Create trial invitations Create purchase offers Create delegated admin requests Search for customers (by domain) Perform delegated admin tasks All previous Partner features + Streamlined customer administration View customer list on single page Improved customer search Service health dashboard for a customer Service requests for a customer Previous Partner featuresNew Partner admin center features New features focus on making it easier and faster to view & administer customers Previous Partner features focused on trial & purchase offers, delegated admin actions Available to Microsoft Cloud Partners; existing cloud Partners will automatically get updates Partners sign into their Office 365 tenant to access the Partner featuresOffice 365 tenant Extends existing Partner features in the Office 365 admin center Targeted Jan 2014
Note: Cloud Partner programs and benefits are changing in CY2014. Please see how benefits and Internal Use Rights are transitioning.Internal Use Rights are transitioning
At the partner digital download site, sign in using the Windows Live ID associated with your MPN membership. NOTE: You will need to have administrative permissions for your organization’s MPN account in order to access this site. Please refer to the MPN Program Administrator Guide for additional information.partner digital download siteProgram Administrator Guide
Select Microsoft Online Services link after you’ve signed in Select the Partner Features option within the Microsoft Online Services menu
Start here if already have a tenant Start here if you don’t have a tenant
Create both your Office 365 ID and Domain name here
Log in to Office 365 at Sign in using your Office 365 ID
Jane Doe Two ways to add a new user
To ensure this user in your company can see and use the Partner features, select Yes
Select a customer to view summary information, subscription info, perform admin tasks for the customer Note: This will only show the customers in which you have delegated admin privileges
Under the client admin quick links, go directly into the customer’s Office 365 admin center
Partner sees the service health dashboard for an individual customer
Partner can view all service requests associated with a customer, search for a service request by reference number or search for an individual customer
Selecting the + icon enables the Partner to start creating a new service request for a customer Enter the details of the service request
Select the SKU for the trial Remember to check this box to include an offer for delegated administration.
Select the details of the purchase offer, include SKU and number of licenses Remember to check this box to include an offer for delegated administration.
Copy and paste the delegated admin request link into an and send to you customer
How do Partners get access to the Partner admin center? Partners must be a Microsoft Cloud Partner, have an Office 365 account and have their Office 365 internal use rights (IUR) license(s) activated. What type of Partners should use the Partner admin center? The Partner admin center is relevant for a variety of Partner types, including resellers, system integrators and managed service providers. Partners that manage or administer any aspect of Office 365 on behalf of their customers would benefit from the Partner admin center. Where can Partners find the Partner Admin Center? Qualifying Partners access the new Partner Admin Center similar to how they access the existing partner tools. Partners log into their own Office 365 admin portal and select Partner from the top navigation bar. This will take the Partner into the Partner Admin Center experience. Do Partners who had access to the previous Partner tools in their Office 365 admin center automatically get updated to the new Partner Admin Center? Yes. Partners who previously had access to the Partner tools within their Office 365 admin center will automatically receive the updated Partner Admin Center when it rolls out.
What are the main differences between the previous Partner tools and the Partner Admin Center? The new Partner Admin Center provides Partners a list of all the customers in which it has delegated admin privileges (DAP). From here, Partners are able to select a customer and perform admin tasks on behalf of the customer, view the service health of the customer’s Office 365 environment or view the service incidents associated with this customer. In addition to seeing a list of customers, Partners also have the option to search for customers by name. What about the previous Partner tools? Are those capabilities still available? Yes. The Partner admin center offers the tools that were previously available to Partners, including the ability for Partners to send delegated admin requests, send trial invitations and send purchase offers to customers. What defines a “customer” that appears in the Partner admin center customer list? Customers that have given the Partner delegated admin permissions will appear in the Partner admin center customer list. What languages is the Partner Admin Center localized in? The Partner Admin Center is localized in the same languages as the Office 365 admin center