An Introduction to the Weekly Resourcing Meeting Process Joint RM & CWU approach.


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Presentation transcript:

An Introduction to the Weekly Resourcing Meeting Process Joint RM & CWU approach

2 Objectives of the Weekly Resourcing Meeting The objectives of the Weekly Resourcing Meeting are to produce effective resourcing plans to ensure that:  Product, service and USO targets are achieved  The resourcing plan aligns to predicted fluctuations in workload  The plan takes account of all known predicted special events  All paid work hours are fully utilised  Everyone has the necessary training to do the job that is asked of them  It is communicated to everyone working in the unit

3 Weekly Resourcing Meeting Process  Resourcing Meetings are mandatory and should take place every week between the DOM and CWU. It is recommended that the meeting is held on Tuesday / Wednesday  The meeting should : - Review last week’s resourcing plan and the accuracy of the forecast provided from the tool and record any issues/improvements to flow through to the following week - Refine staffing arrangements for the following week where any previously unforeseen fluctuation in traffic or leave/absence is due to take place. - Discuss staffing arrangements for at least 2 weeks in advance. Ensure all planned changes are communicated / displayed to all employees as soon as possible following the meeting.  To support the effectiveness of the meeting all relevant office data needs to be kept up to date i.e. office establishment, staff in post, vacancies, leave allocation, AplusOnline and RCS etc. and should be shared with the CWU representative  Units should also have robust contingency plans in place to deal with any emergency or unexpected traffic fluctuation

4 Weekly Resourcing Meeting Agenda



7 What is the Delivered Traffic Forecast Tool?  The Delivered Traffic Forecast Tool (DTFT) supports the objectives of the Weekly Resourcing Meeting  The tool provides a traffic forecast over the next 13 weeks at unit level, by day and by traffic stream  The tool will enable units to make plans for periods of high traffic or low traffic  The forecast traffic data layout is designed to enable the user to copy and paste directly into the Forecast version of the Indoor Workload Tool.

8 How DTFT works  The traffic forecast is based upon - ‐ Last years actual traffic corrected for all known events i.e. bank holiday movements, marginality, industrial action etc. This baseline forecast is held in business warehouse. ‐ Adjusted by the cumulative traffic variance by stream ‐ Split over the weekdays using a 4 week rolling average by stream by day

9 Opening DTFT  The tool uses traffic data downloaded from a server to keep the forecast as up to date as possible  When opened the tool will link to the server and search for any new traffic data to download and will automatically update itself with the latest forecast weeks.

10 Setting your Region and Unit in DTFT  When used for the first time the Region and Unit will must be selected from the drop down menus  Save the file to your computer and you will not need to reselect your unit each time.

11 DTFT Traffic Forecast  The tool forecasts the next 13 weeks traffic.  A graph of the daily traffic details how the traffic is forecast to be distributed across the week based on a four week rolling average

12 DTFT Identifying Manual Adjustments  If any planned bulk mailings due into your unit are note shown (Sky mags, Tesco Clubcard statements, etc) you can enter a manual adjustment to any of the streams on the IWT Daily Split page.  You can also use this to make any corrections to the figures if the budget is missing a specific stream such as tracked packets, for the example in week 17 below Special Delivery has missing traffic.

13 DTFT Making Manual Adjustments  The IWT Daily Split sheet shows detailed traffic forecast information for each of the 13 forecast weeks  To the right of each of the traffic forecast weeks data is the manual adjustments section to enable user entries to correct traffic forecast by stream by day.

14  On the right we have entered the Special Delivery traffic correction, as you can see the figures entered in the manual adjustment move over into the detailed week figures.  We also know we’re going to get a bulk posting come in on Tuesday, so we’ve entered 10,000 large letters into the adjustments and the corresponding figure has increased by that amount.

15 DTFT Copying Data into Forecast IWT  The traffic is now ready to be copied into the Forecast Indoor Workload Tool  Repeat process for each forecast week to be reviewed at the Weekly Resource meeting Indoor Workload Tool Copy Paste, special, values

16 Forecast IWT Basic Input Tab  This is an example of Forecast IWT with traffic copied from the Delivered Traffic Forecast Tool  The Forecast version of IWT has an import button to import the base data from your current version of IWT  The data transfer function is disabled in the Forecast version of IWT to avoid issues with overwriting actual data on the IWT Sharepoint The base data in the live IWT and the Forecast IWT must be kept up to date to reflect the current office set up to ensure accurate performance measurement and workload forecasting

17 Forecast IWT Delivery Details Tab  In column K input the number of forecast D2D contracts for each walk using the drop down menu, if a duty such as a Firm has no D2D contracts select “Nil” In column L insert the current number of Live Redirections for each walk.

18 Forecast IWT Hours Input Tab  Ensure that the Indoor Establishment Hours for G54 Inward Sort & H11 Preparation balance with RCS  Save your file with the office name and forecast week number

19 Resourcing Against Forecast The Forecast IWT Performance Data tab provides performance data based upon the base data that has been imported from the units current IWT, AWD hours that have been copied from the units current IWT and traffic figures from the Delivered Traffic Forecasting Tool Details of Items Per Hour are displayed on the right had side of the table. The hours reduction and/or additional hours required to achieve target are displayed in the lower right hand table Forecast IWT should be completed a minimum of two weeks forecast traffic up to a maximum of thirteen weeks to assist the Weekly Resource Meeting planning process

20 DTFT Forecast Accuracy Performance  The Forecast Accuracy Performance button opens the Forecast Accuracy worksheet that details how closely the tool managed to forecast the traffic in the current week.  Continuous use of the tool will improve the accuracy of the forecast by applying a cumulative variance to the BW forecast

21 Forecast Accuracy Report  In this example the top table details the traffic forecast that the tool made for week 9  The centre table details the Actual traffic for week 9 as reported by Business Warehouse  The lower table details the percentage variances, by day by traffic stream and overall

22 Next Steps  Delivery Transformation Team to lead joint DSMs/Regional Leads/CWU Divisional/Area Representative workshops covering Weekly Resourcing Meeting Guidelines and demonstration of how to use the Delivered Traffic Forecast Tool  Delivery Transformation Team to provide training materials, tools and guidelines to Regional Leads and CWU Reps  Regional Leads/CWU Representatives to schedule Delivery Unit training & deployment and share deployment plan with the Delivery Transformation Team  Delivery Transformation Team to hold weekly conference calls to monitor progress of Unit deployment and support training/deployment as required  The DTFT will continue to be reviewed by the National CWU/RM Delivery Tools Working Group and future enhancements will be deployed via controlled central releases