Calculating Intensities Practical Workshop 1
Heart rate training zones (Karvonen’s principle) Estimate your Maximum Heart Rate- Training Zone = Training at a certain % of your maximum heart rate Karvonen Principle- An accurate method of calculating a training zone (takes into consideration resting heart rate). He suggests training at 60-75% of maximum heart rate. 60%= Resting heart rate + 0.6 (max heart rate-resting heart rate) 75%= Resting heart rate +0.75(max heart rate-resting heart rate) Calculate your own Karvonen Training Zone: Practical: Cycle or Run for 6 mins in this zone
Borg Scale (rating of perceived exertion) The Borg scale is a simple method of rating perceived exertion (RPE) and is used to measure a performer’s level of intensity during training. Key Term: perceived exertion is how hard you feel your body is working during exercise Key Term: perceived exertion is how hard you feel your body is working during exercise
6 7 - very, very light (30% effort) 8 9 - very light (50% effort) 10 11 - fairly light (60% effort) 12 13 - moderately hard (70% effort) 14 15 - hard (80% effort) 16 17 - very hard (90% effort) 18 19 - very, very hard ((100% effort) 20 - exhaustion Practical: In pairs on bike carry out Maximal 30 sec interval session. After each 30 seconds check rating of perceived exertion.
1 rep max (1RM) When weight training you need to work out your one repetition maximum for each exercise that you plan to do so that you can then decide on the correct intensity that you wish to train at. There are different types of strength and you need to decide which one you wish to improve. Depending on which type this is you need to work at a certain percentage of your one repetition max. Practical- Calculate your 1RM on a chosen machine. Using this information design a weights session for either POWER or ENUDRANCE activity
EXAM Explain how you could calculate individual workload intensities for a continuous training programme Use heart rate to measure intensity Heart rate training zone (must use exact wording) Max HR = 220 – age Karvonen principle stated Karvonen formula Use Borg scale to measure intensity Rate of perceived exertion/RPE Subjective/opinion Scores 6-20