Benchmarking Cloud Serving Systems with YCSB Brian F. Cooper, Adam Silberstein, Erwin Tam, Raghu Ramakrishnan, Russell Sears Yahoo! Research Presenter Duncan
Benchmarking Cloud Serving Systems with YCSB Benchmarking vs Testing Any difference? My opinion – Benchmarking: Performance – Testing: usability test, security test, performance etc…
Motivation A lot of new systems in Cloud for data storage and management – MongoDB, MySQL, Asterix, etc.. Tradeoff – E.g. Append update to a sequential disk-log Good for write, bad for read – Synchronous replication copies up to date, but high write latency How to choose? – Use benchmark to model your scenario!
Evaluate Performance =? Latency – Users don’t want to wait! Throughput – Want to serve more requests! Inherent tradeoff between latency and throughput – More requests => more resource contention=> higher latency
Which system is better? “ Typically application designers must decide on an acceptable latency, and provision enough servers to achieve the desired throughput ” achieve the desired latency and throughput with fewer servers. – Desired latency:0.1 sec, 100 request/sec – MongoDB, 10 server – Asterix DB, 15 server
What else to evaluate? Cloud platform Scalability – Good scalability=>performance proportional to # of servers Elasticity – Good elasticity=>performance improvement with small disruption
A Short Summary Evaluate performance = evaluate latency, throughput, scalability, elasticity A better system= less machine to achieve the performance goal
YCSB Data generator Workload generator YCSB client – Interface to communicate with DB
YCSB Data Generator A table with F fields and N records Each field => a random string E.g. 1,000 byte records, F=10, 100 bytes per field
Workload Generator Basic operations – Insert, update, read, scan – No join, aggregate etc. Able to control the distributions of: Which operation to perform – E.g read, 0.05 update, 0 scan => read-heavy workload Which record to read or write – Uniform – Zipfian: some records are extremely popular – Latest: recent records are more popular
YCSB Client A script – Use the script to run the benchmark Workload parameter files – You can change the parameter Java program DB interface layer – You can implement the interface for your DB system
Experiments Experiment Setup: – 6 servers – YCSB client on another server – Cassandra, HBase, MySQL, PNUTS Update heavy, read heavy, read only, read latest, short range scan workload.
Future Work Availability – Impact of failure on the system performance Replication – Impact to performance when increase replication
4 criteria Author’s 4 criteria for a good benchmark: – Relevance to application – Portability Not just for 1 system! – Scalability Not just for small system, small data! – simplicity
Reference Benchmarking Cloud Serving Systems with YCSB, Brian F. Cooper, Adam Silberstein, Erwin Tam, Raghu Ramakrishnan, Russell Sears, SOCC 10 BG: A Benchmark to Evaluate Interactive Social Networking Actions, Sumita Barahmand, Shahram Ghandeharizadeh, CIDR
Thank You! Questions?
Why a new benchmark? Most cloud systems do not have a SQL interface => hard to implement complex queries Benchmark only for specific applications – TPC-W for E-commerce – TPC-C for apps that mange, sell, distribute product/service