Review of BOs
Objectives of the Review of BOs To find Whether the BO is self supporting and financially viable Whether the income cost ratio is above Permissible Limit of Loss (PLL) or not To issue Retention Sanction to the establishment of the BO
Objectives on the Review of BOs Whether there is excess or shortage of manpower Whether the excess manpower can be utilized in other offices by transfer To review and revise the allowances paid to the GDSs working in the BO To understand flow of traffic in each BO.
Review of BOs- Collection of statistics Once in 3 years, along with the review of the SOs under the account jurisdiction of which the BOs are lying. The Statistics for the BOs are to be collected by their Account Offices.
Review of BOs- Collection of statistics The statistics of the BOs are collected for the months for which the statistics of the SOs are collected.
Form for collection of Statistics on BPM’S workload STATISTICAL STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTABLE ARTICLES – NAME OF BO____________________ Dates No of Regd letters sent to the BO for delivery No of Regd Parcels sent to the BO for delivery No of VP letters sent to the BO for delivery No of VP Parcels sent to the BO for delivery No of Regd letters received from the BO No of Regd Parcels received from the BO No of MOs sent to the BO for Payment No of MOs booked at the BO Total of receipt column in the BO daily account excluding opening balance & cash received from AO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Form for collection of Statistics on BPM’S workload STATISTICAL STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTABLE ARTICLES – NAME OF BO____________________ (continued) Total of Payment column in the BO daily account excluding cash sent to AO No of SB Deposits in BO No of RD Deposits in BO No. of TD Deposits in BO No of SB Withdrawals in BO No of RD withdrawals in BO No. of TD withdrawals in BO No. of RPLI transactions Sale of Postage and Revenue stamps in the office 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Collection of Statistics- Unregd articles For six days – posted for despatch and received for delivery. The days for collection of statistics same as that of SO.
Review of BOs – Collection of Statistics The Form for collection of statistics for the work hour of GDS MD of the BO same of Postman.
Review of BOs – Collection of Statistics GDS MC- distance traversed and waiting time This can be collected from the Lines and stages maintained by Divisional office. The form of Value Return is also sent for collection of statistics.
Review of BOs-Form of Value Return Name of the BO _____________ Month : Date Sale of Stamps Rs. Revenue by unpaid in Rs. Amount of Commission earned by booking of MOs at BO in Rs. Amount of Commission earned by payment of MOs at BO in Rs. No. of deposits and withdrawal in SB/TD accounts No. of deposits and withdrawals in RD accounts No. of RPLI policies available in the office Signature of BPM
Review of BOs- Verification of Statistics Verified by the Inspecting Officer while he carries out the verification of the statistics of SO. Furnishes test figures for two days for the unregistered articles received for delivery and posted for despatch. The verified statistics of the BOs are sent to Divisional Office by the SPM of the Account office.
Norms for calculation of the Work Hour of BPM Calculated on points system applying the following norms. Sl No Item of work Points Standard Prescribed 1 Handling of unregistered articles 1 point of work load For every 25 unregistered articles handled in a day 2 Handling of registered articles For every 22 registered articles handled in a month 3 Handling of Money Orders For every 15 Money Orders handled in a month 4 Sale of Postage Stamps For every Rs.900 worth of stamps sold in a month 5 Handling of cash For every Rs.20,000/- cash handled in a month 6 Savings Bank Transactions For every 10 transactions handled in a month
Norms for calculation of the Work Hour of BPM Norms of GDS BPM’s Work Load ---continues Sl No Item of work Points Standard Prescribed 7 Rural Postal Life Insurance Transactions 1 point of work load For every 10 transactions in a month 8 Collection of Telephone or any other bills For every 20 bills collected in a month 9 Disbursement of Old Age pensions Through Money Orders For every 15 old age pension Money Orders disbursed in a month 10 Disbursement of Old Age pensions Through Savings Bank Accounts For every 10 old age pensions through Savings Bank in a month 11 Accounts work and receipt and dispatch of mails in a month Fixed 14 points per month
Norms for calculation of the Work Hour of BPM Items 2 to 10 on the average of 4 quarterly months statistics. The statistics should be collected from the month following the month in which Enumeration Returns are collected.
Calculation of the Work Hour of BPM Unregistered articles handled BPM to furnish 3 days figures in the middle of the month, Inspecting officer has to collect statistics for 2 days in the middle of the week. The least of the averages has to be adopted for assessment of work load.
Calculation of the Work Hour of BPM Unregistered articles handled includes the No. of unregistered articles received for delivery and posted for dispatch from the BO. Registered articles handled includes Registered letters, parcels, Speed Post Articles and Value payable articles received for delivery and Registered letters/parcels posted for dispatch.
Calculation of the Work Hour of BPM Money Orders handled includes all Money orders received for payment and MOs issued from the BO. Savings Bank Transactions include opening, deposit and withdrawals/closure of savings bank/Recurring deposit and Time deposit accounts.
Calculation of the Work Hour of BPM RPLI transactions include collection of RPLI premium for procurement of new Business and collection of renewal premium Mahatma Gandhi NRGEA is not covered by the present norms and the transactions on account of disbursement of NRGEA payments to the beneficiaries and the cash handled should be excluded from the statistics for assessment of work load.
Calculation of the Work Hour of BPM “Cash Handled” – MO issued/paid SB deposits/ withdrawals RPLI premium collection, bills collection and bills payment The cash received as Remittance from Account Office and Remittance sent to Account office has to be excluded.
Calculation of the Work Hour of BPM Fixed 14 Points for--- receipt of BO bag, verification of contents including verification of remittance, writing of BO journal, BO account, preparation of BO daily account, tallying of closing balance, and dispatch of BO bag including remittance
Calculation of Work Hour of BPM The statistics for four quarterly months furnished by the SPM should be totalled and the total should be divided by 4 to arrive at the average per month in respect of all accountable items.
Norms for workload of GDS MD The Norms for the work hour of the GDS MD is as that of the norms applied for Postman. Average of the figures for the unregistered and accountable articles furnished by the SPM in the proforma taken.
Norms for workload of GDSMC The norms for the work hour of the GDS MC is for the distance traversed. 7.5 Minutes by cycle per kilometer and 12 minutes by foot per kilometer. For the distance work load, the waiting time for collection of the mail bag should be added. The maximum waiting time should not be more than 2 hours per day
Exercise 1
Review of Work Hours of GDS For BPM in points Up to 75 points ----work hour up to 3 hours. 75 to 87.5 points---more than 3 hours but up to 3 hours and 30 minutes 87.5 to 100 point----work hour is up to 4 hours 100- 112.5 points ---from 4 hours but it is up to 4 hours and 30 minutes. 112.5 to 125 - more than 4 hours and 30 minutes but up to 5 hours. The work hour of the GDS MD and GDS MC would be available in hours and Minutes.
Staff Hours of the GDS The staff hours of the GDSs is the maximum work hour of 5 hours i.e. up to 5 hours, For the review of BO, the Staff hour of the GDSs is the hour for which the allowances are being paid.
Review of BOs If the BO is having four GDS posts, one post should be abolished by suitably distributing the duties to the remaining GDS If the BO is having three GDSs i.e. GDS BPM, GDS MD and GDS MC, the need for all these posts should be reviewed. Combining the duty of any of these two posts may be examined. Combination of duty should not result in exceeding 5 hours for any GDS post. Capability of executing the additional work by his/her educational qualification or by health condition or by age.
Review of BOs If the GDS MC is a common MC for two or more offices distance between the BOs in the mail line is not much(say 4 KM), it may be examined whether the conveyance of mails can be entrusted to the GDS BPMs by following a relay system.
Review of BOs If distance is to be traversed for four times and it increases the time for mail conveyance beyond 2 hours, the mail conveyance can be entrusted with the GDS BPM one way and with GDS MD the other way.
Review of BOs If the GDS MC is having two hours waiting time at the BO the delivery work can be entrusted with the GDS MC The post of GDS MD can be surplus . In this arrangement, the mail conveyance work should be within 3 hours. If the total work exceeds 5 hour limit by a small margin, the BPM can do delivery in the base village.
Review of BOs If the work hour of the GDS MD shows remarkable increase of more than 2 hours GDS MC may be suggested.
Calculation of Cost of BO On the basis of the Value Return, the income and cost of the BO worked out. Towards the cost of the establishment charges, the monthly allowances payable to the GDSs working in the office except that of the line establishment should be taken in to account.
Calculation of Cost of BO The other allowances that should be taken in to account are as follows. 1. Office Maintenance allowance (OMA) 2. Fixed Stationery charges (FSC) 3. Cycle maintenance Allowances (CMA) 4. Combined duty Allowances for BPM (CDA)
Retention of the BO The income and cost of the BO should be taken in to account to decide about the retention of the BO and its establishment. If the income of the BO exceeds the cost, the BO and its establishment are retained straight away. The Department has fixed the Permissible Loss Limit for the BOs for their retention. Efforts should be taken to make the BOs self supporting and financially viable.
Retention of the BO-PLL The Permissible Loss Limit , for the normal area is that the income of the BO should be 33 1/3rd % or more of the cost. For the BO located in a Hilly/Tribal/Backward area is that the income should not be less than 15% of the cost. If the income and cost ratio of the BO is more than the Permissible Limit of Loss (PLL), the BO and its establishment are retained straight away. If the income and cost ratio of the BO is less than the permissible limit, the case has to be examined for reducing the amount of cost.
Issue of retention Sanction The retention sanction should be issued only for three years. If the retention sanction is issued after three years, It should be issued to take effect from the date on which the sanction expired. A copy of the Retention Sanction should be issued to the HO and the BO. HO will regulate the payment of TRCA to each post in accordance with the amount of TRCA quoted in the retention sanction.
Review of BOs –Issue of retention Sanction The retention sanction competent authorities for the Establishment of the BO is issued by the following authorities: The Divisional Head can issue the Retention Sanction for those BOs which are functioning more than the Permissible Loss Limit (PLL). The Divisional Head has to seek for the Retention Sanction of the Postmaster General of the Region, for those offices which are functioning on less than the Permissible Loss Limit.
Review of BOs –Issue of retention Sanction He should furnish the copies of all the statistics collected by him to the PMG in respect of those offices which function on less than PLL along with the work hour statement for each post and copies of Lines and Stages and Village Sorting List. He should also furnish his suggestion for reducing the cost of the BO or for redeployment of any post, if any.
Review of BOs-Contents of Retention Sanction The Retention Sanction issued to the BO would contain the following information: 1. Name of Branch Office 2. Name of Account Office 3. Name of Head Office 4. Name of Post/Posts 5. The TRCA payable for each Post 6. Period for which the Retention Sanction is issued 7. Particulars of the Previous Retention Sanction
Revision of Allowances BOs is to carry out the revision of Allowances due to the GDSs. If the work load has fallen down, the allowances payable to him has to be reduced. If the work load has gone up, upward revision has to be allowed.
Review of BOs-Revision of Allowances The allowances payable to the GDSs are called Time Related Continuity Allowance (TRCA). The TRCA is in five slabs for GDS BPM while it is in three slabs each for the other categories of GDSs. Each slab is related to work load.
Review of BOs-Fixation of TRCA There are Posts of GDS MD/MC and GDS MC/MD. The TRCA is separate for GDS MD and GDS MC. In such cases, the designation should be decided on the basis of the ‘longer time devoted on a particular duty’.
Review of BOs-Fixation of TRCA If the GDS BPM is entrusted with the work of Mail Delivery or Mail Conveyance or with both, his designation would not be changed to the MD or MC. He would be called only as GDS BPM with delivery power or GDS BPM with mail conveyance work. If he has been entrusted with both work, his designation would be BPM with delivery and Mail conveyance. His allowances are to be fixed in the TRCA of GDS BPM.
Slabs of TRCA for BPM Sl No. TRCA With effect from 01.01.2006 Work Load in Points Work Load in Hours 1 2745 -50 -4245 75 Points Up to 3 Hours of work 2 3200 -60- 5000 87.5 Points More than 3 Hours and up to 3 Hours and 30 Minutes 3 3660 – 70 -5760 100 Points Up to 4 Hours 4 4115 - 75 -6365 112.5 Points More than 4 Hours Up to 4 Hours 30 Minutes 5 4575 – 85 - 7125 Up to 125 Points More than 4 Hours 30 Minutes Up to 5 Hours
Slabs of TRCA for GDS MD and GDS SV Sl No. TRCA With effect from 01.01.2006 Work Load in Points Work Load in Hours 1 2665 – 50 - 4165 ----- For work up to 3 Hours –for New Entrants 2 3330 – 60 - 5130 For work load up to 3 Hours 45 Minutes 3 4220 – 75 - 6470 More than 3 Hours 45 Minutes up to 5 Hours
Slabs of TRCA GDS MC/Packer Sl No. TRCA With effect from 01.01.2006 Work Load in Points Work Load in Hours 1 2295 – 45 - 3695 ----- For work up to 3 Hours – for New Entrants 2 2870 – 50 - 4370 More than 3 Hours up to 3 Hours 45 Minutes 3 3635 – 65 - 5585 More than 3 Hours 45 Minutes up to 5 Hours
Other Allowances for GDS(w.e.f 09 10 2009) Sl No Nature of Allowance Allowances Payable 1 Office Maintenance Allowance (OMA) Rs.100 per month for GDS BPM 2 Fixed Stationery charge (FSC) Rs.25/- per month for GDS BPM and Rs.10 p.m. for other categories of GDS (like GDS MD/Stamp Vendor and Mail Carrier doing delivery work) 3 Boat Allowance Actual charges paid to the Boatman subject to a Maximum of RS.50 per month for Conveyance of Mail 4 Cash Conveyance Allowance Rs.50/- per Month 5 Cycle Maintenance Allowance Rs.60/- per month for GDS MD/Mail Carrier who use their own cycle for discharge of Duty. The minimum distance condition for grant of Cycle Maintenance Allowance is withdrawn
Other Allowances for GDS(w.e.f 09 10 2009) 6 Combined Duty Allowance (CDA) for Branch Postmasters GDS BPM performing delivery or conveyance duties or both will be paid Rs.500 p.m. for each item of work separately. If the BPM is performing delivery at the BO village only, it will be restricted to Rs.250/- p.m. BPM exchanging mails at Bus Stand or at Railway Station will be compensated at the rate of Rs.250 p.m. 7 Allowances for combination of duties for Mail Delivery/Mail Conveyance GDS MD/MC attached with the additional duty of another post, the rate of allowance will be Rs.25 per day subject to a Maximum of Rs.625/- p.m. 8 Compensation to Mail Carriers who are detained for exchange of Mails Rs.6 per hour subject to a Maximum of Rs.12 per day subject to existing conditions
Fixation of TRCA on reduction of work load If the GDS BPM happens to be in the lower TRCA and there is further drop in his work load, combination of duty of the GDS MD/ Mail Carrier is unavoidable. As this exercise is done only to protect the allowance already drawn by the GDS BPM, no separate combined duty allowance will be payable to him.
Fixation of TRCA on reduction of work load If the combination of duties is not possible, the GDS Should be brought from the higher TRCA to the lower TRCA by protecting the stage of the higher TRCA. If the specific stage is not available in the lower TRCA, then he may be placed in the lower stage. Difference will be protected as personal allowance to be absorbed against future entitlement. While doing so, it should be seen that the allowances payable in the lower TRCA and the protected amount should not exceed the maximum of the lower TRCA.
Fixation of TRCA on reduction of work load If on the subsequent review, the work load of the post increases, then the higher stage of the TRCA will be paid from the prospective date which would be determined with respect to the Review of BOs. If the GDS is redeployed, his allowances will be protected as above. But if the GDS is redeployed on his own specific requests, protection of TRCA is not applicable to him. His TRCA would be fixed according to the work load of the post to which he is redeployed on his request.
Fixation of TRCA BPM Fresh recruitment -review of the BO should be undertaken and the TRCA should be fixed according the actual work load. GDS MD or MC assess the work load of these posts and if the assessed work load is up to 3 hours, the new TRCA slab of 2665-50-4165 or 2295-45-3695 as the case may be should be indicated in the notification for filling up the post.
Automatic payment of other allowances OMA to the GDS BPMs for maintaining the office in their premises FSC to the GDS BPMs/GDS MDs and GDS MCs who are attached with delivery work – paid to meet the cost of stationery such as pen, pencil etc. Cash conveyance allowance – to the GDS BPMs for conveyance of surplus cash to the AO or to convey cash from AO to BO
Other Allowances requiring Sanction of SSP Boat allowance – For conveyance of mails by boat. Cycle Maintenance Allowance: Payable to the GDS MD and GDS MC and in cases to the GDS BPM who is entrusted with the duty of delivery or Mail conveyance. A certificate is to be obtained from the IP/ASP/PRI (P) to confirm that the distance traversed by the GDS is cyclable and the GDS maintains his own cycle for discharge of duty.
Other Allowances requiring Sanction of SSP If the GDS BPM performs the, Duty of both the MD and MC, he has to be paid an allowance of Rs.1000/- p.m. Duty of either MD or MC, he has to be paid an allowance of Rs.500/-p.m. Duty of Mail Delivery in the kasba (viz. BO Village only), ha has to be paid an allowance of Rs. 250/- only p.m. Duty of exchanging mails at Bus Stand or at Railway Station, he has to be paid an allowance of Rs. 250/- p.m.
Exercise 2