Understand level of course Know college requirements Be aware of workload Be aware of a variety of revision / work strategies
Level 3 courses are A levels and equivalent. Level 2 courses are equivalent to GCSEs. Taking level 3 courses in year 12 means 2 years at college (not 3). Taking level 3 courses enables progression to university. Taking level 3 courses increases your potential career earnings.
AS and A2 level – academic, theory based - Give access to university courses (honours degree) - A and AS levels are one of the main routes into higher education, but they're also useful if you want to go straight into a job, such as office administration or trainee accountancy. Vocational – vocational, learning by doing - Give access to university courses (foundation degree) - Vocational qualifications can help you: - get the skills you need to start a job - progress in your career - go on to further learning
5 or 6 A*-C including English and maths for L3. 5 or 6 A*-D including English and maths for L2. This includes BTEC and OCR courses at a pass. Failure to achieve C+ in English or maths would mean; a) retaking those GCSE’s or another L2 English / maths course. b) Year 12 course at level 2.
Reigate College assign every GCSE grade points. GCSE GradePoints A*8 A7 B6 C5 D4 E3 F2 G1 U0
GCSE average points are calculated. The average is used to determine the options a student can choose. Average GCSE scoreStudy programme Above 5 points, with at least 5 grade CsYou may choose any combination of courses Between 4 and 5 points, with at least 5 grade CsBTEC Level 3 courses should make up two units of your combination Less than 4 points with at least 4 passes at grade D or aboveYou must include two BTEC Level 2 courses in your combination
Students can not concentrate only on post 16 options. One subject can make the difference. More vocational courses in options increases the individual effect of individual GCSE grades. Available post 16 options will affect potential career choices.
Reigate College use GCSE averages to advise students about AS level choices. The following is taken from the Reigate College website; “National surveys of thousands of Advanced Level students show that there is a pattern between their GCSE scores and the results they achieve on an AS, A Level or BTEC course. The College uses this information to help ensure that students are placed on the right course.”
How much time should be spent on school work?
Independent learning tasks: Normal homework Revision Reading around the subject Coursework / controlled assessment
Other obligations and priorities: Part-time job Socialising Sport Music School work Need to adjust the balance at key times
What is it? How does this affect my child?
Pupils who do well: 1. Are committed 2. Are hardworking 3. Take their work seriously 4. Are organised to meet deadlines 5. Plan their work/time 6. Complete improvement tasks
Finding out what has been set and marked to show progress: 1. Talk to your sons and daughters 2. Look at their Record Book 3. Talk to their friends 4. Look in their folders and books 5. Talk to or subject teachers and HOY 6. Analyse and discuss school reports 7. Challenge teachers, school, governors, yourselves, if your child is underperforming
Provide a suitable working environment Encourage and support (food and love)
Check your child has a full set of notes Encourage reading / research around the subject Dealing with absences Every Lesson Counts! Does s/he have a work / revision timetable? - include breaks
Checklist given by departments Identify priorities Enables students to tick off – sense of achievement
KS4: tested in the Mock exams
Post Exam Analysis Targeted intervention strategies Exam Practice Sessions Reports Parents’ Evening
Work Strategies Self Assessment Red = ‘I find this very difficult’ Amber = ‘I’m not too bad at this but could improve my knowledge’ Green = ‘I feel confident with this’
A revision / work timetable Enables work to be distributed evenly.
Talk to teachers about work and revision strategies e.g. Topic on a postcard Mnemonics Record information electronically Revise with a friend Visual diagrams Internet research Online revision – GCSE podGCSE pod
Key points on revision / fact cards Textbooks and exercise books Revision guides Internet research sites Friends and classmates Parents Teachers – revision clubs, homework club Past papers
A full set of notes A revision timetable & checklists A variety of work strategies A range of resources Independent learning skills Parents who encourage them!