Supported by the National Science Foundation Award HRD Role and Support of Faculty Mentors in an Undergraduate Research Program Rafael Bahamonde, Ph.D. Professor of Kinesiology (Biomechanics) Associate Dean School of PETM Director of Diversity Scholar Research Program IUPUI ( ) Director’s Mentoring Award for Outstanding Leadership and Mentoring of Undergraduate Research, Center for Research and Learning, IUPUI 2010 Director of Faculty Outreach LSMCE Faculty Liaison Coordinator NIH IPREP
Supported by the National Science Foundation Award HRD Outline Why mentor undergraduate students? Faculty more likely to be mentors Why faculty become mentors? Barriers & Challenges of mentors Tips for mentors How to involve and support faculty in mentoring UR?
Supported by the National Science Foundation Award HRD WHY MENTOR UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS? Mentoring can be demanding and requires a responsible approach, but at the same time it can be enjoyable and rewarding. Undergraduate research is high impact practice-Numerous student benefits
Supported by the National Science Foundation Award HRD Faculty likely to be mentors (N=4832 STEM faculty, 194 institutions- Higher Education Research Institute)
Supported by the National Science Foundation Award HRD Reasons for faculty participation Role as an educator Giving back to the discipline Identification to future graduate students Funding Faculty believe that undergraduate students can contribute to a research program Opportunities for graduate students to do mentoring
Supported by the National Science Foundation Award HRD Benefits to faculty mentors Increase morale, self esteem and satisfaction (Wilson, 2000) Effective role model and better teachers (Hakim, 2000) Increase enthusiasm (Russell et. Al. 2007) Development of new knowledge – research projects Assistance with projects Additional funding
Supported by the National Science Foundation Award HRD Faculty Perceptions of Undergraduate Research Amy M. Buddie, Kennesaw State University, U.S. Courtney L. Collins, Kennesaw State University, U.S.
Supported by the National Science Foundation Award HRD Tips for mentors Know thyself –What are your strength and weaknesses as mentor Accept that you are role model Select you mentee carefully Improve you listening skills Be accessible Beware of cloning –Allow for individual differences Stay current Socialize student to the profession Promote your mentee to other colleagues Be directly involved teaching and training you mentee Escalate the mentee’s responsibility Provide clear expectations and honest and constructive feedback Promote time management skills Offer personal support The Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education (JUNE), Fall 2012, 11(1):A55-A63
Supported by the National Science Foundation Award HRD INSTITUTIONAL DEPARTMENTAL External Barriers
Supported by the National Science Foundation Award HRD Institutional & Department Barriers Lack of structured programs or resources –Smaller schools faculty has to do it all Promotion and tenure rewards –Emphasis in research productivity (grants and publications) at the cost of teaching and mentoring Faculty Teaching workload
Supported by the National Science Foundation Award HRD Institutional & Department Barriers Perception working with undergraduate limits research productivity (time consuming) Lack of mentor training Limited Funding Lack of time to mentor –Balance teaching-research and service Lack of incentives –Financial, course load reduction, tenure path
Supported by the National Science Foundation Award HRD Individual Barriers
Supported by the National Science Foundation Award HRD Individual Barriers Lack of opportunities –Large classes –Graduate classes –Online classes (?) Students take a long time to declare major Students rely on faculty to establish mentor relationships Faculty wait for students to initiate mentoring relationships
Supported by the National Science Foundation Award HRD How to involve Faculty in Mentoring undergraduate research? By addressing those barriers and supporting faculty mentors
Supported by the National Science Foundation Award HRD How to involve Faculty in Mentoring undergraduate research?
Supported by the National Science Foundation Award HRD How to involve Faculty in Mentoring undergraduate research? Time and Cost Time spent mentoring undergraduate researchers must count fairly toward faculty workload UR should be part of the promotion and tenure process UR should be part of the faculty scholarships goals Development of research throughout the curriculum approach
Supported by the National Science Foundation Award HRD How to involve Faculty in Mentoring undergraduate research? Faculty Workload –Universities are restructuring traditional course loads to deliver high impact practices such as UR, Service Learning etc. –Northern Arizona University reduced workload of psychology faculty who were mentoring and UR increased from 60 to 94% in two years. –Using weighted course load –Credit for independent research, senior theses, honors research projects etc. –Banking of UR experiences X number of experiences = 1 course release Wayment, H. A. & Dickson, K. L. (2008). Increasing student participation in undergraduate research benefits students, faculty, and department. Teaching of Psychology, 35(3),194.
Supported by the National Science Foundation Award HRD How to involve Faculty in Mentoring undergraduate research? Include UR as part of promotion and tenure process –Include UR mentoring in guidelines –Develop mentoring awards –Center for UR UR can enhance faculty productivity (Cooley et al. 2008) Cooley, E. L., Garcia, A. L., & Hughes, J. L. (2008). Undergraduate research in psychology at liberal arts colleges: Reflections on mutual benefits for faculty and students. North American Journal of Psychology, 10,
Supported by the National Science Foundation Award HRD How to involve Faculty in Mentoring undergraduate research? UR is a high impact learning experience Convince faculty that UR is an integral part of the of their professional development
Supported by the National Science Foundation Award HRD How to involve Faculty in Mentoring undergraduate research? Integrate research in existing curriculum –Short term research projects –Group research –Full semester research projects –Research methods courses –Research honor program –Capstone research course Undergraduate Research: A Path to Success
Supported by the National Science Foundation Award HRD How to involve Faculty in Mentoring undergraduate research? Scaffolding research skills across the curriculum –What are the research-related skills, knowledge, and dispositions we want graduates of a particular program to have learned? –Where in the curriculum are those objectives introduced, developed, and mastered? –What kinds of assignments allow students to learn each objective at introductory, developmental, and mastery levels? What’s in it for Faculty? Some Benefits of Mentoring Undergraduate Research; Jenny Shanahan, Ph.D., Director of Undergraduate Research, Bridgewater State University, Massachusetts
Supported by the National Science Foundation Award HRD