22 LINK2000+ Lifecycle Context Time Towards Implementation Standardisation Validation Trials Standards validated Pre-operational Phase Completed First phase European Implementation Completed 1996 Pre-operational Developments Pilot Implementations PETAL II ATIF/PROATN EOLIA /8 Towards Full Regional Implementation First Phase European Implementation and Operation LINK2000+
33 Objective of LINK To co-ordinate the implementation of l selected air ground data link services for ATC, l at a number of ACCs/airports, l with benefit driven equipage by airlines, l based on ATN and VDL Mode 2 (ATC+AOC) l from 2000 to 2007/8 to reduce controller workload… with a safety benefit
44 LINK2000+ Headlines l OPERATION DRIVEN, TECHNOLOGY ENABLED (not just a COM project) l European Implementation (earlier for PIONEERS) –globally compatible, validated, air ground data link services for ATC –Infrastructure support for AOC l Voluntary Benefit driven equipage to start followed by Mandate (2008 timeframe) l Comms. Based on ATN and VDL Mode 2 l Strong link to FAA Program Build 1/1A
55 LINK 2000 Characteristics l NO NEW CONCEPTS –Proof of operational concept (ODIAC, PETAL, EOLIA, national trials) –Proof of technology (PETAL IIe, ProATN, EOLIA, ATN trials infrastructure) l NO NEW STANDARDS –RTCA 189/Eurocae 53 (service inter-op) –ATN SARPS (ICAO doc. 9705) –AEEC Specs. 631, 637
66 Benefits l Capacity Gain, Delay savings en-route –real-time and fast-time simulations –workload saving converted into capacity –capacity converted into delay savings l Cost of delay: defined by airlines/IATA R/T workload workload capacity delay
77 Operational Benefits EquipageCapacityATFM Delay 25%+3.4%-10% 50%+8%-31% 75%+11%-44% + a non-quantifiable safety benefit
88 Current Implementation Plans
99 Current ATS/ATN Plans at ACCs ACCs Objective: harmonised service deployment MAS P IIe Maastricht ACM+AMC+ACL+FLIPCY+CAP Spain FLIPCY+ACL Switzerland ACM+AMC+FLIPCY ACL+DSC Germany ACM+AMC+ACL Austria ACLACM+AMCFLIPCY ACM+AMC+DSC France ACL+AMC ACM+FLIPCY
10 Commitment to Implement LINK PSG set the following schedule: l 06/01 "Key site identification” (Maastricht, Paris, Reims, Karlsruhe, Vienna, Zurich, Geneva, Madrid) l 10/01 "Pioneer airline identification" l 11/01 "Letters of commitment” l 01/02 "Announcement of concrete plans"
11 Conclusion l The Benefits are Real –R/T workload savings –Less room for error –Efficiency (more time to do the job) l With Commitment the Benefits can be obtained Soon