On being in two places at once Jeff von Munkwitz-Smith University Registrar University of Connecticut
Keep your sense of humor!
Categories of advice n Handling the workload n Avoiding having your department fall apart while your away n Coping with the stress
Handling the workload n Get really good at time management! n Keep track of what needs to be done: both the immediate “critical path” items and the tasks a bit farther out. n Understand that not everything worth doing is worth doing right.
Remember what I said about keeping your sense of humor!
Workload … n Just say “No”, to your boss, to your staff, and to pesky friends who want you to speak at conferences. n Delegate, Delegate, Delegate! n Know what you’re good at and what you’re not and concentrate on the former.
Still more workload … n Get out of your office to work on the project. n Limit interruptions. n Have an understanding family.
A little more humor never hurts!
Avoiding having your department fall apart while you’re away n Before you start, prepare your staff. n Make sure someone always knows where you are and when you’ll be back.
Falling apart … n Accept that life goes on without you: you can’t be at every meeting or be involved in every decision. n Delegate, Delegate, Delegate some more!
Coping with the stress n Recognize that you’re going to have good days and bad days and try not to get too excited about either one.
More humor!
More stress … n Remember why you’re doing it: to borrow a phrase from the Civil Rights Movement, “keep your eyes on the prize”. n Have someone you can commiserate with, vent to, bounce ideas off of, get good advice from, etc.
And even more stress! n Develop a thick skin. n Exercise, eat properly, and get enough sleep. n Take vacations. n Have fun!
One final thought: Maintain a positive attitude! n “Think you can. Think you can’t. Either way, you’re right.” – Henry Ford n Luke Skywalker – “I don’t believe it!” Yoda – “That is why you fail.” – George Lucas
And, don’t forget, keep your sense of humor!