Electronic Journal Access at the University of California, Riverside Stefanie Wittenbach Head of Acquisitions
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EBSCO Online URL Text File
INNOPAC Bibliographic Record |zConnect to v.1 (1891)- [Latest 5 years not available online] UCR access only|uhttp:// 133.html |uhttp:// ?JournalID= |zConnect to v.107 (1997)- UCR access only
INNOPAC Bibliographic Record B BIBLIOGRAPHIC Information CALL # HB1.E17 TITLE The economic journal : the quarterly journal of the Royal Economic Society. IMPRINT London ; New York : Macmillan, Summary of Attached Records CHECKIN 001 > LOCATION: n CHECKIN 002 > LOCATION: rcps; CHECK-IN=Card: Status is filled, 12 boxes, 40 da ORDER 003 > LOCATION: rstk; FUND: glser; STATUS: f ORDER 004 > LOCATION: n; FUND: cdlse; STATUS: f; IDENTITY=JSTOR ORDER 005 > LOCATION: n; FUND: none; STATUS: f; IDENTITY=EBSCO Online ITEM 006 > C: 1; DUE: - -; LOC: rstk; VOL=v ; BAR= ITEM 007 > C: 1; DUE: - -; LOC: rstk; VOL=v ; BAR=
TitleThe economic journal : the quarterly journal of the Royal Economic Society. PublisherLondon ; New York : Macmillan, Click on the following to: Connect to v.1 (1891)- [Latest 5 years not available online] UCR access only Connect to v.107 (1997)- UCR access only Loc Internet Electronic journal LIB. HASv.1(1891)- Loc Rivera HB1 E17Recent in current periodicals; others in stacks. LIB. HASv. 1(1891)-109:454(1999)- Latest Received: February :461
INNOPAC Checkin Record B BIBLIOGRAPHIC Information CALL # RM1.J65 TITLE The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics. IMPRINT Baltimore : Williams & Wilkins. C Last updated: Created: Revision: 1 01 LABEL TYPE: n 04 COPIES: 1 07 RLOC: w 10 SCODE4: m 02 SCODE1: - 05 CLAIMON: VENDOR: none 11 UPDCNT: - 03 SERCODE: s 06 LOCATION: n 09 BIND: - 12 PCOUNT: 0 13 CALL # Electronic journal 14 LIB. HAS Table of contents only: v.149:2(1965)-191(1974); Abstracts only: v.192(1975)-279(1996); Full text: v.280(1997)-
INNOPAC Order Record O Last updated: Created: Revision: 3 01 ACQ TYPE: h 08 COLL DEV: 8 14 ORD NOTE: - 20 STATUS: f 02 LOCATION: n 09 RECEIVING: - 15 ORD TYPE: s 21 TLOC: - 03 CDATE: E PRICE: $ RACTION: - 22 VENDOR: annre 04 CLAIM: - 11 FORM: f 17 RDATE: LANG: eng 05 COPIES: 1 12 FUND: glser 18 RLOC: w 24 COUNTRY: xxu 06 INPUTTER: 9 13 ODATE: BLOC: w 25 VOLUMES: 0 07 TAX: - 26 NOTE PRICE of $ includes online access. Price of online is SPEC NOTE ANTHROPOLOGY(1)
Further Considerations Online journals no longer bundled with print Implementation of a proxy server Maintenance of URLs and holdings information Staffing/workload License agreement provisions