J2EE Change Request Tracker Developed by: Alan De Koven Angela Hawe Emil Habib
Change Request Tracker J2EE Web-based Change Request Management System. Tracks progress on modifications and enhancements to software development projects. Allows manager to record change requests for each project and the tasks required to complete each change request.
Change Request Tracker (con’t) Tracks information for each task including date assigned, person assigned to, completion status, hours spent, and date completed. Allows manager to monitor status of each task, view workload of staff, assign/reassign tasks as required. Includes file upload/download capability for storing all documentation relating to a task, change request or project.
J2EE Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition Presentation Layer: servlets/JSPs Data management: JDBC Middleware: EJB, JMS Transactions: JTS Directory Services:JNDI
Why J2EE? establishes standards for enterprise computing standard platform, portable across vendor implementations allows IT shops to get out of the middleware business
Architecture MVC Controller: Front Servlet View: JSPs/bean Model: Façade, Business Objects (POJOs)
Java Beans DB POJO FACADEFACADE JSPs Front Controller (Servlet) Client Architecture Diagram
Demonstration Create New Project Add Users/ Create new User Create Change Request Assign Tasks View Developer’s Workload
Future Work Architecture - EJB: scalable, distributed applications designed for reuse - Custom Tags: provide access to methods using XML New Features - Sort tables by column - Security model