Creativity and Enjoying your Teaching NQT Conference 14 June 2010
Aims Enjoying your teaching What is creativity? Examples of creative teaching and learning Collaborative Planning
Enjoying your Teaching What have you enjoyed most about your teaching this year or what have you enjoyed teaching the most? NIKE Ad Qui sont les personnages / les vedettes? 2.De quoi s’agit-il? 3.Quelle est ta partie préférée?
KS3 National Curriculum 1.Key Concepts 1.3 Creativity a)Use familiar language for new purposes and in new contexts. b)Use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings 4. Curriculum Opportunities b) Communicate in the TL for a variety of purposes (these include real purposes and creative and imaginative work)
Other Key Stages KS2 Transition – primary school pupils will be arriving in Y7 after 4 years of learning a language for 1 hour a week KS4 New GCSE Oral component can be customised by schools. Content can be more creative, imaginative and relevant.
What do we mean by creativity? A special class of problem solving characterized by novelty Any thinking process in which original patterns are formed and expressed. Fluency, flexibility, originality, and sometimes elaboration. The process of bringing something new into being... Imagining familiar things in a new light, digging below the surface to find previously undetected patterns, and finding connections among unrelated phenomena.... the ability to use different modes of thought to generate new and dynamic ideas and solutions
BLOOMS REVISED TAXONOMY Creating Evaluating Analysing Applying Understanding Remembering Creating Generating new ideas, products, or ways of viewing things Designing, constructing, planning, producing, inventing. Evaluating Justifying a decision or course of action Checking, hypothesising, critiquing, experimenting, judging Analysing Breaking information into parts to explore understandings and relationships Comparing, organising, deconstructing, interrogating, finding Applying Using information in another familiar situation Implementing, carrying out, using, executing Understanding Explaining ideas or concepts Interpreting, summarising, paraphrasing, classifying, explaining Remembering Recalling information Recognising, listing, describing, retrieving, naming, finding Higher order thinking skills
Creativity is central to innovation. Creativity is central to language learning and hence language teaching. The creative strategies needed when learning a new language or trying to communicate in a foreign language, are transferable skills which are useful in other areas of learners' lives and to society as a whole.
A.Why do teachers have to be creative in designing lessons and teaching them? CATER FOR different tastes of different types of students REDUCEstress of both teacher and students ENLIVEN (+ENJOY)the lessons and the activities ADJUSTthe lessons to different levels of students TEACH students to think creatively as well INTERESTstudents in more exciting activities to practice the target language VARYthe classroom situations to teach functional language ENCOURAGEthe students to communicate more in the target language
Culture Use of song – starter / l’histoire / language (writing songs) Poems Adverts Authentic materials Powerful visuals Film trailers
Examples Song for storyline / culture /language / rewriting lyrics Madeleine – Jacques Brel 1.1. Poetry for storyline / culture /language / creating poems Déjeuner du matin - Jacques Prévert 2.2. Cross-curricular work / CLIL Spanish – rainforests + Equador 3.3. KS3 – climate change 4.4. Current Events World Cup, Earthquake, General Election, Severe Weather Authentic Resources - Tintin article – Journal Des Enfants Adverts 5.5. Good Visuals – for inspiration and motivation Films + Trailers
Examples of Own Creative Teaching and Learning
Grammar to teach Any Tense Adjectives: position and agreement Gender + Articles Negatives Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns Comparatives and superlatives Prepositions
MFL Contexts Relationships with family and friends Free time activities Shopping and money Fashion and Trends Holidays Home town and local area The Environment My School Future Career Intercultural understanding Cross-Curricular Linking
Be creative! Inspire your pupils to be creative - use your own ideas, interests, passions - if you are creative they will be too Put down your textbook and think Look for ideas through a variety of resources - authentic, poetry, song,literature, ICT Discuss contemporary issues and current events Be creative with language and grammar - let pupils elaborate on key structures Give pupils the freedom to be creative and develop their own ideas: STUDENT LED LEARNING Work with a teacher from another curriculum area to see how you can link your subjects
But above all … Make your pupils think and respond to teaching and learning that is interesting, relevant, challenging and enjoyable.