1 © AGIT AB Vyspělá ICT infrastruktura podporující VaVaI v regionálním zdravotnictví Jan Pejchal, Martin Zeman
2 RHC company profile Regional Health Corporation consists of 5 hospitals Total assets 5 billion CZK Basic capital 3.6 billion CZK Estimated revenues 4.5 billion CZK Total employees, Incl health professionals. 821 physicians, nurses
3 RHC company profile The organization was established in September 2007 to merge these 4 district hospitals and 1 regional (Masaryk) hospital under one roof creating thus the biggest healthcare provider in the Czech Republic The share holding company is owned by The Ústí Region
4 RHC company profile The area covers about citizens employees (from that 838 doctors and nurses) More than beds (71 % acute care beds in the region) Basic, specialized and super specialized health care in a great number of departments and clinics
5 Masaryk Hospital profile Staff2 338 Beds1 246 Clinics and departments40 Average length of stay6.5 Inpatient42 316
6 Masaryk Hospital profile the largest healthcare facility in the region the biggest employer in the regional capital town the most important healthcare provider in the region
7 Masaryk Hospital profile The most modern and most efficient technological infrastructure has been built and it rates among the best Czech hospitals Masaryk Hospital is a filmless hospital since 2003 ISO 9001:2000 certification since 2002 ISO certification is in progress
8 eVision of Masaryk Hospital filmless and paperless healthcare telemedicine EHR new services based on ICT and at the same time privacy policy legal protection financial health
9 Characteristics of IS/ICT area The Centre of Information Systems is a shared services centre of the RHC corporation The centre provides the unique regional healthcare computer network, based on dark fibre technology, DWDM and MPLS services
10 IS/ICT support for medicine clinical evaluation of drug effects and of newly introduced medical equipment research activities postgraduate and lifelong education of healthcare and information professionals
11 IS/ICT support for medicine scientific information services for healthcare community and for other clients special courses, training and other educational activities including lectureships and extramural education ICT administration for consultations and for telemedicine
12 IS/ICT support for medicine Videoconferencing in project management in education oriented conferences (with surgical theatres) in cooperation with university partners (CESNET) HD videoconferencing
13 IS/ICT support for medicine Video streaming from the education centre of RHC from theatres to the education centre of RHC IP streaming (IPv6), MJPEG
14 Regional dark fibre network Masaryk Hospital is a provider of The National Research Network CESNET2+ (10 Gbps access to CESNET2+ on DWDM) Clients of CESNET2 can access to the research network through our regional network
15 Regional dark fibre network Similarly dislocated The Ústí Region EMS offices are interconnected through this network. The RHC hospital dark fibre network provides services of a federative identity management Shibboleth and participates on an international roaming system for teachers, students and researches EduRoam.
16 Design of the regional network
17 1 st shared applications Data and communication centre of IS/ICT services is in Masaryk Hospital in Ústí nad Labem The 1 st shared application is the regional ERP system mySAP ERP 2005 Unified user management and central directory services Common intranet and document management system
18 1 st shared applications Common HR and payroll information system Central HelpDesk Security ID cards for all employees Access system Area camera system Common logistic and purchasing IS
19 1 st shared applications Common logistic and purchasing IS Facility management system Common information system for pharmacy Virtual IS for joint medical libraries (MEDVIK)
20 Shared health information systems There is a PACS system in the data centre as a core of the regional solution (MagicStore concept by Siemens) Data storage is based on grids (MAS by HP) The RIS-HIS-PACS communication is based on integration layer (IHE) (Ensemble by Intersystems)
21 Scheme of Masaryk Hospital PACS (2006)
22 Shared health information systems Scheduling - solution based on interconnection of booking and calling systems. Their interconnection has led to increased flexibility of the whole system including multiplication of its functions.
23 Scheduling system structure (2008)
24 Related and supporting projects Successful cooperation on the project Research and development of integration and communication centre of health information (The grant of Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic) with pilot realization in Masaryk Hospital
25 Related and supporting projects Public internet in The Ústí Region hospital network (EU Structural Funds) Broadband – patient scheduling through internet (The grant of Ministry of Informatics of the Czech Republic) Logistic and supporting processes optimizing (EU Structural Funds)
26 Related and supporting projects MediGrid – methods and tools for GRID application in biomedicine (The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, National Research Programme) Distributed data storage (CESNET, in the frame of CzechLight project and Medical applications activities, project POSN – building of private optical hospital network – so called North Side)
27 Related and supporting projects MedGate – information gateway for research and development in medicine – the tool of integration and effective use of the information resources in medicine (The grant of Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports) Medical virtual library - MEDVIK, sharing of information resources for research and development (The grant of Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports)
28 The regional EFEZ framework program „Information and communication centre of The Ústí Region hospitals – the secure information exchange infrastructure including medical images“ is also one of the running projects within the framework program Effective healthcare in The Ústí Region Conditions (in short EFEZ)
29 The future cooperation Cooperation and data exchange with regional PACS project of Brno and Prague Connection to Brno academic PACS project MEDIMED EHR in paperless corporation of hospitals Multiregional and international cooperation
30 The future cooperation Dissemination to other localities of The Ústí Region Cooperation/connection to other healthcare facilities and subjects
31 M Contact us Jan Pejchal, Manager ICT, Regional Health Corporation Martin Zeman, Project Manager of Masaryk Hospital in Ústí nad Labem