In Theatro - Chapter 5
Vocab adest agricola ambulat audit clamor contendit currit euge! fabula fabula agit femina hodie iuvenis meus multus optimus petit plaudit
vocab puella senex spectat stat turba ubi? urbs venit
Chapter 5 Sentences p translate as a class p. 79, exercises A & B
Mythology Lunch Bag Due Tuesday, November 22 Library - Thursday and Friday Read over the list, select your top 5 choices. Give your choice when called upon You will research that figure in the Library
Mythology Lunch Bag In the library: –work QUIETLY –Thursday = No computers use the books and encyclopedias provided –Use computers on Friday, but if you use them inappropriately, you lose computer privileges for the rest of the year –Must cite sources (MLA)
Actores Translate the story on page 74 Pick 3 nouns from the story (1st or 2nd declension, not scaena) and decline them in singular and plural
Mythology Lunch Bag Presentations: –Be ready to describe your character why you decorated the bag the way you did tell either the myth or your 5 facts ** Presentation is worth 10% of the grade! **
In Theatro Translate the story on page 80 At the bottom of your paper, write down all examples of verbs –Pick one from each conjugation, and conjugate them! Do not use vidēre or agere
Verb Practice Dominī non laborant Ancilla pavonem coquit Ego in viā ambulo Tu in tablinō scribis in hortō sedēmus in atriō legitis
Verb Practice Many boys walk to the forum. The dog stands on the table You sing in the dining room. We run into the house I waited for the play on stage. You pl. have a large home.
Verb Practice Girl walks We eat dinner Dog sleeps Slave-girl works Boys run Old man waits for Women buy Slaves sell Peacock stands Crowd shouts
Verb Practice We run I sleep You pl. enter You shout I sell We have You sit You pl. applaud I taste You pl. hear We praise You remain
Workbook Day Complete the following exercises in the workbook. –5.3 –5.4 –5.5 When complete, show to Magistra for credit
Poppaea Translate the story on p. 77 –Show Magistra for credit Homework: bring in workbook tomorrow!
Culture Day! Read the culture section (p ) Answer the questions 5.7 in workbook (p.37)
CH 5 - STUDY GUIDE 50 point Quiz –Ch 5 vocab –Present tense verbs –15pt translation –Roman theater - read over pages in text Practice test and notes on Moodle