Thankful In Praise Psalm 111
How Well Do You Know Your Turkey?
1. What do you call a female Turkey? A. A hen B. Mrs. Turkey C. A turklet D. A goblet
2. What do you call a male Turkey? A. Big Papa T B. A chuckle C. A tom D. A turkle
3. When was the first Thanksgiving celebrated? A B C D BC
4. What famous American wanted to make the Turkey the National Symbol of the US? A. George Washington B. George Bush C. Abraham Lincoln D. Benjamin Franklin
5. Roughly how many feathers does a full grown Turkey have? A. 1,500 B. 3,500 C. 350 D. 42,327
6. Which former President declared that Thanksgiving would fall on the last Thursday in November? A. Benjamin Franklin B. Bill Clinton C. Abraham Lincoln D. Rutherford B. Hayes
7. How fast can Turkeys run? A. 25 mph B. 3 mph C. 85 mph D. less than 1 mph
8. How fast can Turkeys fly? A. 5 mph B. 15 mph C. 25 mph D. 55 mph
9. What is the name of the skin that hangs from a Turkey’s neck? A. A wattle B. neck skin C. A beard D. A flugle
10. Which country consumes the most Turkey per year, per capita? A. US B. Israel C. Turkey D. Kazakhstan
Part 1: Praising God for His Greatness vs. 1-3
Part 2: Praising God for His Provision vs. 4-9
Part 3: Praising God Out of Love and Respect vs. 10