Insert image village hall & pub club church Green pub Nursing Home Watts Gallery, Tea shop etc ✤ Objectives ✤ To demonstrate the key issues ✤ To gain acknowledgement and understanding of those issues ✤ To discuss all the options available, the criteria in setting priorities and where Compton’s traffic issues fit in to those priorities ✤ Outline the way forward with a plan of action Compton Traffic Meeting 17th September 2009
Traffic Volume. Do we have a problem? 5 million + vehicles use B3000 per annum. Peak flow, volume has grown by 386 % since 1967 & by 31% between B3000 volume is 71% higher than the average B road in Surrey & approx. 938% higher than minor roads nationally The B3000 is the 3rd busiest B road in Surrey and the busiest B road passing through a village The B3000 has higher volume than many A roads in Surrey (including A3100 equidistant route to Godalming via Milford) Statistics from Dept. of Transport & SCC Flow rates are from 06 Flow & Movement report based on 05 figs. 08 Figs are <1% change Dept. of Transport classifying B roads under ‘minor’ as opposed to major or motorway Average Daily Flow Rate over 7 days
Busiest B Roads in SurreyArea 2001 Census Data *Schemes in place *Flow Grade Chertsey B homes 11,766 pop. Footway & lighting on bridge others throughout area 3 Horley B2036 8,600 homes 21,232 pop Policy directing long distance freight via major roads only. New house developments & major new transport schemes 2 Compton B homes 821 pop in /2 Caterham B homes 20,957 pop Major schemes to reduce accidents including lane reduction as part of Tandridge accident reduction working group 2/3 Epsom B ,277 homes 27,065 Several major schemes exist and more are in the pipe line 2 Mytchett Frimley Rd B3411 1,908 homes 4646 pop Residential, shops, industry, has high volume, linking Ash to Farnham & near station. Has lights, roundabouts, & crossings so lower speed 2 Betchworth B homes 919 pop Rural area, near M25 to railway station, had VAS, PC states crossing here is not a problem 2 Woodham B0385 3,036 homes 7666 pop Speed tables installed (some were too high & had to be reduced at cost of 5k) resulting in >40% accident reduction None * Schemes - Exclude signs, * Grade determines importance for free flow, 1& 2 usually given to major A roads 3 usually given to B roads with exception of a few 2’s Data used 05/06 SCC Flow & Movement Doc Northcamp & Ashford are excluded as they are not in Surrey
We don’t have a problem with volume Between Dept. of Transport showed ADF for a minor road (nationally) was The B3000 ADF of 14,530 is TEN times the national average B3000 is signed OFF the A3 to Godalming, whilst the A3100 is equidistant it is not signed from the A3 South (it is, heading North). This creates a rat-run which is against the South East policy (T ) Highways Dept. have acknowledged the anomaly. See attached letter. 17 houses & a residential home for the elderly have NO pavement. 1 car passes every 2 seconds for 4 hours a day - How can residents safely cross the road? We have a serious problem with volume
Does Compton have a SPEED problem? 36 mph & 39 (2006)mph - 41 mph & 43 mph (2007) (The Street -covert police studies) 53 mph (2006) New Pond Rd & accident hot spots resulted in 40 mph & proposal for Binscombe junction to be improved police study showed 80% of traffic exceed 30 mph & 33% exceed 40 mph (1,764,000) Police lost data from VAS which was never re-installed? A frequent cause of accidents is ‘could not stop in time’ - No link to speeding? CSW & increased speed checks have a temporary effect on speed - CSW is awaiting training date for newcomers HIGH VOLUME & SPEED = accidents, lack of safety, severe reduction in quality of life, increased noise & pollution At peak times, or 4 hours per day 5 days per week (6400/16000 vehicles) traffic speed is distorted. Figures allow for 15% anomaly (85th percentile) but 40 % is artificially slowed down. The average speeds are therefore probably higher than shown. Speed studies to date show Compton has a speed problem.
Safety Peak hours - 1 car every 2 seconds - Impossible to cross the road (especially difficult for children, parents & push-chairs, elderly, disabled, tradesmen, carrying shopping etc) 17 homes (inc. residential home for elderly) have NO footpath Residents feel unsafe using the refuge due to large lorries and high volume, speeding traffic. They cannot get to the bus stop, church or hall. 6 PIA’s in last 3 years No footpath between Polsted & Withies lane 2 PIA’s in 3 years Large vehicles / HGV’s cannot safely pass on bridge or without mounting kerb on sections of The Street Pedestrians using pavements are at risk from lorries wing mirrors, which overhang pavement. Pedestrians have had shopping bags knocked out of their hands The combination of volume & speed, narrow roads, bends & a high accident rate means many residents, visitors, tradesmen and utilities DO NOT FEEL SAFE 1 fatality at nursery roundabout 2003, man knocked off moped.
Accidents 1 Fatality & 1 Fatality 2003
Proposal - Compton Village Safety Scheme Minimum requirements Reduce the volume of traffic on The Street (& subsidiary roads) Adequate pavements A safe means of crossing A means of controlling speed Reduce the risk of lorries mounting pavements Methods for consideration Crossing type / location Plus combination of options from the following A scheme that results in residents being able to safely leave their homes & walk / cycle to their destination
Options ReduceV olume Reduce Speed Increase Safety Reduce Noise Effective- ness 0-4 Comments / considerations BypassYes 4 Very Costly, What constitutes necessity? B3000 unsuitable as a major route. Speed bumps / tables Yes No3 Noisy & likely to be unpopular High % vehicles likely to find alternative route Chicane / Rd narrowing Yes No3 Traffic flow should be same in both directions Can traffic be controlled at peak times? VAS (average speed) PossYes Poss2-3As used on A3 - More effective than standard VAS Re-SignYesNoPossYes2-3 The A3100 is equidistant & has 766,500 fewer vehicles than B3000. As an A road it SHOULD be the directed route to Godalming off A3 via Milford. Highways Dept looking into it 20 MPHPossYes Poss2-3 Difficult to enforce but may get 40 mph drivers to 30? Poss effective with a VAS? Width restriction YesNoYesPoss2+ Relevant on bridge and also within village where wing mirrors overhang pavements Speed Cameras Ltd Yes (at point) No2 Consider use of a mobile camera? The high accident rate, 80% speeding meets criteria? CSWNo Yes (temp & at point) No 1 Needs to be carried out regularly to have any effect on high volume road. Several villagers awaiting training VASNo Yes (at point) No 1Unless they record data, average speed or have a camera effect is Ltd. Tarmac colours / signs NoMinNo 0.5Low cost
Speed & flow rates have been collated by residents & Parish Council for approx. 20 years During that time a quiet village turned into an unofficial bypass where a person is injured every 7-8 weeks and residents cannot safely leave their homes at certain times of the day Residents cannot safely walk or cycle anywhere despite the emphasis placed on local, regional & national strategy to move away from cars The situation is far worse than many areas where schemes have already been implemented or are being considered We ask you to consider the safety of Compton residents by advising, supporting & implementing an effective scheme that will reduce traffic volume & speed & improve overall safety Thank you Conclusion