E-District Project Presentation Shivpuri (Date : 12/03/2010) Venue-Collectorate Meeting Hall Total Participants 38 (approx.) DIO – Mr. A.K Bhatnagar DIA – Mr. Manish Malviya
E-District Project-Shivpuri E-District Project is the prime Mission Mode Project (MMP) of Govt. of India by Ministry of Comm. & IT under NEGP (National E Governance Programme). Five Districts are selected from MP out of 37 from the Country. It was launched on 08/08/2008 by MOS IT Mr. J.R.Scindia in Shivpuri. Wipro agency was given 18 months time to start this project in Shivpuri. 2
E-District Project-Shivpuri Why needed Presently administrative services are provided by different departments to Common people at Village, Panchayat, Block, Tehsil & District level. Under E-District concept, administrative service procedure has been transformed into electronic work flow using computer & Communication Technology.
E-District Project-Shivpuri Stake Holders Govt. of India (ICT Ministry) Govt. of MP (IT Department) MAP-IT Bhopal (Implementing Agency) DeGS Shivpuri (District Level) Wipro (Consulting Agency)
E-District Project-Shivpuri Project Stakes Holders at District Level 1. District E-Gov. Society (DeGS) 2. CSC (Common Service Centre) 3. SWAN ( State Wide Area Network) 4. MP Online platform 5. Hardware for HODs 6. Software for Services 7. Training to Employees 8. Digital Signature 9. Data Digitization
E-District Project-Shivpuri E-District Work Flow Process Common person will contact nearest CSC for his need (Service). CSC will accept complete form with attachments & enter it on MP Online with his net connectivity. Application will be forwarded to concerned HOD. HOD has to accept as per rules and put his Digital Signature. (if not accepted in due time, it will be forwarded to next higher Officer). After HODs digital signature on Certificate (Service record), It will come back to the concerned CSC. The Digitally signed document will be given back to the applicant at CSC where it was submitted.
E-District Project-Shivpuri 1.DeGS-Its aims & Objective District E-Gov.Society Shivpuri was formed in August It has a Governing body chaired by Minister I/C of District and Board of Directors chaired by Collector. Its Objectives are… (i)To rollout and maintain e-District application and other electronic Citizen Services in the District; (ii)To authorize Kiosks for providing Government to Citizen Services; (iii)To provide IT inputs to Government Offices located in the District and to assist them in computerization and networking; (iv)To collect user charges from the Citizen Services and other services rendered through e-Governance application and to use the fund so collected in furtherance of the aims and objects of the Society; (v)To recruit persons on the roll of the Society, to remove the recruited persons from service and to make their service rules; (vi)To facilitate Human Resource Development in the field of IT in the District; (vii)To undertake any other function(s) as may be assigned by the State Government.
E-District Project-Shivpuri 2.CSC -Status SR NO BLOCK NAME CSC allotted NO. OF CSC Online Operational 1SHIVPURI367 2KARERA242 3NARWAR263 4PICHHORE242 5 KHANIYADHANA 311 6POHARI422 7KOLARAS373 8BADARWAS242 Total24422 CSC will have Computer,Printer, Scanner, UPS, web camera Internet, MP Online Login, Service details.
E-District Project-Shivpuri 2.E-District –Identified Services at CSC Main categories are Certificate, Social welfare, Tribal, Revenue Court cases, Govt. Dues & Recoveries, PDS, RTI, PG, Arms License, Agriculture License, Small Saving Agency License, Stamp Vendor License, Video Parlor, Permission (Fair/Loud Speakers), Transport, Mining, Excise, Education Vyapam, Land records, Marriage Registrations, Utility services. 39 services are identified under above 20 categories.
E-District Project-Shivpuri 3.E-District -SWAN State Wide Area Network(SWAN) is implemented by Tulip Company. Mr. Robin Sharma is deputed to monitor this project. All Blocks having POP (Point of Presence) prepared by PWD. Its false ceiling, earthing, Generator, Tower, 2 MBPS lease line (by BSNL) are in progress. District & Block level work will be over by the end of March SWAN will provide connectivity to all identified HODs up to block level.
E-District Project-Shivpuri 4.E-District -MPONLINE MP Online is a portal designed by MAP-IT as public service portal where all the CSC will be connected (with login/password) to access service delivery software. This service delivery software is developed by Wipro and tested by our Revenue officers at Mantralaya Bhopal during training session in October 2009.
E-District Project-Shivpuri 5. Hardware Support DeGS Shivpuri has ordered 190 computers, 33 Personal printers, 12 network printers, 27 personal scanners and 8 network scanners to DGS&D New Delhi. Above hardware will be available by end of April to the identified officers/staff of 39 services. There will be computers at each block level Patwari lab. Site for Lab identification is in process.
E-District Project-Shivpuri 6.Service Delivery software As discussed in earlier slides, Wipro has developed 39 services software for CSC available on MP Online. This software will be available to HODs thru internet connectivity of (SWAN). MAPIT has entrusted NIC Bhopal for LAN establishment at District Level and Block level to cover all offices linked with services.
E-District Project-Shivpuri 7.Training of Employees MAP-IT has empanelled HCL, CEDMAP Bhopal and IL & FS Mumbai as training provider. DeGS will select an agency after tendering process and selected agency will provide a two months training to all the staff. Training will cover normal computer operations, CSC working and service delivery software.
E-District Project-Shivpuri 8.Digital Signature Digital Signature will be created by Vendor at Bhopal for all Officers authorized to sign on different certificates/documents. Digital signature will be password protected and one can put 100 signature in few seconds after full satisfaction about the document. This list was already sent to MAPIT Bhopal.
E-District Project-Shivpuri 9. Data digitization Under the various services, people can demand various records in duplicate like Ration Card, Birth & death certificates, caste Certificates, Domicile & BPL list etc. MAP-IT has empanelled 17 companies for this job whose tender process will be decided by DeGS soon.
E-District Project-Shivpuri HOD support by DEGS All HODs linked with services will get following supporting equipments. Computer with UPS Printer Scanner ( Selected Only) Computer Table with Chair SWAN internet connectivity with LAN Training of Computer & CSC services Electric fitting
E-District Project-Shivpuri HOD Identified for Computers District HODs(Computers) DM/Collector ( 12) ADM (3) CEO ZP (2) CMHO(4) DDA(1) CMO NP(7) District Registrar(4) DSWO(4) D.Ex.O(6) Mining Officer(2) Tribal Officer(5) Tehsil HODs (Computers) Badarwas JP (2) Karera (16) Khaniadhana (13) Kolaras (26) Narwar (18) Pichhore (16) Pohari (27) Shivpuri (22)
E-District Project-Shivpuri Thanks NIC Shivpuri DIO – Mr. A.K Bhatnagar DIA – Mr. Manish Malviya