International Cloud Symposium 2011 October DITTON MANOR Rajagopalan CDAC CLOUD Initiative 1
An Autonomous Scientific Society of the Department of Information Technology Ministry of Communications & Information Technology Government of India Centre for Development of Advanced Computing
C-DAC Labs across the nation 10 Locations 10 Labs 2500 members
Cloud Computing Group Centre for Development of Advanced Computing Chennai A CDAC Cloud Initiative 4
NRCFOSS BOSS ACTS UBICOM GARUDA CLOUD CDAC Chennai India’s National Grid Computing Initiative Advanced Computing Training School National Resource Centre for Free and Open Source Software Research & Development on Cloud National Ubiquitous Computing Research Centre 5
Private cloud for gov. Cor p orate Training Consulting Cloud Security Framework For establishing cloud, develop & deploy applications in cloud Enhanced Open Source Cloud Middleware Offers IaaS,PaaS, SaaS End to End Security Solutions Middleware Development Certificate Programs in Cloud Computing 6source: DIT GOI Meghdoot
National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) Vision “ Make all Government services accessible to the common man in his locality, through common service delivery outlets and ensure efficiency, transparency & reliability of such services at affordable costs to realise the basic needs of the common man.” 7 source : DIT GOI
Challenges 1.2 billion people 600,000+ villages, 70% population rural Multi-ethnic, Multi-religious society Multi-lingual: 22 Official languages Multi-party, Multi-tiered democracy 35 States & UTs; 240,000 + Local Bodies source: DIT GOI8
Strategy to realize vision Centralized Initiative, Decentralized Implementation Focus on Services & Service levels Ownership and Central Role of Line Ministries/State Governments Emphasis on Public Private Partnerships (PPP) 9 source: DIT GOI
Components of NeGP Implementation Framework e-Infrastructure Web Enabled Delivery of Public Services Capacity Building, Awareness, Communication Standards, Quality and Security 10 source: DIT GOI
Core infrastructure Common Service Centres (CSCs) 100,000+ CSCs for 600,000+ villages State Wide Area Networks (SWANs) 2Mbps secured intra-network up to Block level State Data Centers (SDCs) For hosting State-level e-Governance Applications and Data source: DIT GOI11
e-Infrastructure State Wide Area Networks (SWAN) Secured network for Government work Connecting State HQs,District HQs, Blocks HQs Minimum 2 Mbps Broadband Connectivity State Data Centers (SDC) State of art Data Centers at each of 35 States/UTs Housing all applications and databases e-Delivery of G2G, G2C and G2B services State Portals, State Service Delivery Gateways 12 source: DIT GOI
e-Infrastructure (contd) Common Service Centers (CSC) More than100,000 tele-centers in 600,000 villages. Broad band internet enabled connectivity Implementation through PPP 13 source: DIT GOI
SDC State Portal Govt. Departments at various levels SHQ Collector’s Office Tehsil / Taluks Registration Transport Revenue Municipalities State Districts Blocks Taluks CSC SSDG List Services List Offices Publish Forms SWAN Internet.. Unique Application ID Authentication Message Routing Guaranteed Delivery Transaction Log Time stamping Acknowledgement Status Tracking … e-Governance Service Delivery Strategy source: DIT GOI14
Standards, Quality and Security National Policy on Open Standards Open Standards for Localization and Language Technology, Interoperability, Metadata and data, Biometrics etc Quality Assurance & Conformance for e-Governance applications Network and Information Security 15 source: DIT GOI
Issues in CLOUD deployment Consolidation of servers in SDC from departments and agencies Migration of applications for cloud environment Present infrastructure operator? SW Licences Support for Cloud computing features. Multi tenancy-Shared database interoperability between states SDC Migration to new framework, like Grails, will provide additional cloud benefits leading to creation of SW components (Apps store concept) 16
BENEFITS OF SDCs ON CLOUD Typical resource sharing scenario 18
PRIVATE CLOUD FOR GOVERNMENT Highly Secure and more flexible. Usage of available hardware resources from State Data Centres (SDC). Complemented by a Common Desktop Strategy, focus on thin clients. Conserve Power and cooling – Green ICT. Centralized control – ease of management and maintenance. Backup and Disaster recovery across SDCs. Software owned by department can be deployed. 19
SUMMARY CDAC Cloud offers: Customized private cloud environment. Owned & operated by government for government. Exclusive on-premises support. Expertise in consultation, architect, design, development Provision to deploy department owned platform. 20