Korean Meteorological Administration KMA System Upgrade Korea Meteorological Administration Dong-il Lee Korean Meteorological Administration CAS2k5
Korean Meteorological Administration List of contents 1. History OF NWP Model and System at KMA 2. Plan of NWP Model Development 3. 1 st supercomputer system 4. 2 nd supercomputer system 5. Issues and Plan 6. Other Activities
Korean Meteorological Administration (year) (Gflps) NEC SX Gflops Fujitsu VPX Gflops CRAY X1E Tflops NEC SX Gflops PC Cluster Gflops IBM P Gflops IBM P Tflops TeraCluster Tflops NEC SX Gflops CRAY T3E Gflops CRAY C Gflops Cyber Cray-2S Gflops F-LAM (77X63) 80km 15L K-LAM (59X59) 40km 15L KTM (109X109) 50km 8L RDPS MM5 30km 10km, 5km 33L GDPS T106 30L GDPS T426 40L GDPS T213 30L ENSE T213 30L (32members) ENSE T106 30L(17member) 1.History of NWP model & System at KMA KISTI : Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Korean Meteorological Administration ModelAnalysisResolution Lead time (Days) Remark 3dVar T213 (55km, 30 levels) 10 Global Spectral Model 3dVar T106 (110km, 30 levels) 1017 Ensemble (GDAPS)3dOI T106 (110km, 21 levels) 90Ensemble Regional Model (RDAPS) 3dOI/ 3dVar 30/ 10/ 5km (33 levels) 2Triple Mesh Typhoon Model (DBAR) Bogus20km (barotropic)3Typhoon Track Wave Model 0.25°2Asian 1°× 1°10Global Statistical Model -2Temp, PoP Models on operation at KMA
Korean Meteorological Administration 2.Plan of NWP Model Development Global Data Assimilation Global Model Ensemble Prediction System Wave and Ocean Model Regional Data Assimilation Regional Model Typhoon Model
Korean Meteorological Administration YearPlan 2005 Consideration of Error of the day in 3dVar Test operation of unified 3dVar (NCAR) Incorporation of AMSU-A (AQUA) Test operation of rain assl. Module 2006 Operation of unified 3dVar (NCAR) Assl. of GPS (NCAR) AIRS, AMSU-B, AMSR-E 2007EnKF or 4dVar Global Data Assimilation
Korean Meteorological Administration YearPlan 2005 Tuning of physics (convection, PBL, etc.) Model comparison ( T426L40 & YOURS ) 2006 Operation of new global model (T426L40 or YOURS) Tuning of physics 2007L70 Global Model
Korean Meteorological Administration YearPlan 2005 Global EPS with more than 32 members L40 Regional EPS(TEST) 2006 Ensemble Transform Kalman filter for regional scale (10km) 2007Test of ensemble Kalman filter with global model Ensemble Prediction System
Korean Meteorological Administration YearPlan 2004 WW3 for global and regional domain Test operation of SWAN (1/120 deg) 2005 Tuning of SWAN Assimilation of ARGO Development of ocean model (METRI) 2006Test operation of ocean model (METRI) 2007Tuning Wave and ocean models
Korean Meteorological Administration YearPlan 2005 Tuning of assl. Modules for Quikscat, AWS, windprofiler, GOES TBB, ATOVS 1dVar Test operation of rain assl module 2006Operation of rain assl. module 20074dVar or EnKF Regional Data Assimilation
Korean Meteorological Administration YearPlan 2005 Test operation of WRF (10km L40) with unified 3dVar Tuning of physics Parallel run of MM5 and WRF 2006 Operation of WRF (5km L40) and unified 3dVar Tuning of physics 2007Test of 1km L70 version Regional Model
Korean Meteorological Administration YearPlan 2005 Test operation of moving nest MM5 Tuning of bogus with 3dVar Intensity forecast with global model (T426 or more) hr intensity forecast with global model 2007 Typhoon Model
Korean Meteorological Administration NAS storage Backup server Pre-post server Gigabit Switch2 Gigabit Switch1 SX-5/16A SX-5/12A Firewall KREONET KOREN KMA Backbone 3F 3. 1 st supercomputer system IXS
Korean Meteorological Administration Ref NEC SX-5/16A NEC SX-5/16A NEC SX-5/12A Installation CPU1612 Peak performance 128Gflops96Gflops MainMemory128GB96GB Capacity of Raid disk of Raid disk 2.16 TByte 1.62 TByte Functions - For NWP Operation Operation - Research & Development Development The specification of KMA 1 st supercomputer system StorageTek 14TB SX-5
Korean Meteorological Administration HQ Floor Layout
Korean Meteorological Administration
4. 2nd supercomputer system (Initial)
Korean Meteorological Administration 2 nd Supercomputer System(Final) baram Shinbaram
Korean Meteorological Administration Ref CRAY X1E Installation CPU 1024 MSP Peak performance 18.5 TF Main Memory 4 TB Capacity of DAS Disk 67 TB Capacity of SAN Disk 21 TB Capacity of Tape drive 1 PB Functions For NWP Operation Research & Development The specification of KMA 2nd supercomputer system CRAY X1E ADIC Scalar 10K 1PB
Korean Meteorological Administration Internet Data Center
Korean Meteorological Administration
Korean Meteorological Administration 5.Issues and Plan Needs more space, cooling and power -> New building for next system(2009) Job Scheduling and failover including DR -> SMS, developing the best way and KISTI Data Management -> 2005 Pilot Project initiated -> 2006 System replacement for distributed Data Integration (storage pool) 2007 extra budget for reinforcement
Korean Meteorological Administration KMA HQ KMA KIDC HONGKONG SEATTLE SEOUL DAEJEON TEIN 155Mbps Japan 2.2Gbps (USA 1.2Gbps) China 310Mbps KOREN GLORIAD 10Gbps 4Gbps 6.Other Activities - High Performance network
Korean Meteorological Administration 1. Generate 5km grid from NWP output 3. Distribute digital forecast contents from DB system 2. Get 5km digital forecast grids DFS DB TEXT IMAGE GRAPHIC TIME-SERIES TABULAR VOICE GEM MOS/PPM GRID-POINT KMA Digital Weather Forecast Service
Korean Meteorological Administration Supporting Research Community (VPN &GRID) VPNVPN APCC PC ROKAF PC Internet intranet DMZ other PC UNICORE Gateway UNICORE & PBS VPNVPN DWD APCC : Asia Pacific Climate Center ROKAF : Republic of Korean Air Force
Korean Meteorological Administration Grid, e-Science and user supports National Grid Project E-Science project High Performance Network (BcN project) Application Programmers and system analysis expert supported by Cray KMA-Cray ESRC ( ex. Workshop on performance 32-/64bit precision operational models )
Korean Meteorological Administration Thank you Korean Meteorological Administration