Twilight By Skyler G
Shephenie Meyer-She is the very successful author of the popular Twilight series, and also writes other books, too.
Main Characters Bella Swan Bella Swan Charlie Swan (Bella’s father) Charlie Swan (Bella’s father) Edward Cullen Edward Cullen Alice and Emmett Cullen (brother and sister) Alice and Emmett Cullen (brother and sister) Jasper and Rosalie Hale (brother and sister) Jasper and Rosalie Hale (brother and sister) Carlisle and Esme Cullen (parents) Carlisle and Esme Cullen (parents) James (these three are the bad vampires) James (these three are the bad vampires) Victoria Victoria Laurent Laurent
Bella Swan-Bella is an uptight and shy 17 year old junior in high school. She lives with her dad Charlie in Forks, Washington.
Charlie Swan-Chief Charlie Swan is Bella’s shy but very caring father. He lives with Bella at their home in Forks.
Edward Cullen-Edward is also a junior at Bella’s high school. He lives in the country with his brother, sisters, and parents.
Alice and Emmett Cullen-these two are a brother and sister to Edward and take the same last name. Alice is a couple with Jasper Hale and Emmett is with Rosalie Hale. Alice and Emmett Cullen-these two are a brother and sister to Edward and take the same last name. Alice is a couple with Jasper Hale and Emmett is with Rosalie Hale.
Jasper and Rosalie Hale-these two are also brother and sister to Edward but take a different last name. Jasper and Rosalie Hale-these two are also brother and sister to Edward but take a different last name.
James, Laurent, and Victoria-these three are the bad vampires that cause trouble around Forks. James, Laurent, and Victoria-these three are the bad vampires that cause trouble around Forks.
Story The story starts out with Bella moving away from her home in Phoenix to live with her father in Forks, Washington. She has to start school there, too. The story starts out with Bella moving away from her home in Phoenix to live with her father in Forks, Washington. She has to start school there, too.
The first time Edward sees Bella, he has to contain himself for the fact that Bella’s blood is nearly irresistible. After that, he doesn’t show up to school after weeks on end. The first time Edward sees Bella, he has to contain himself for the fact that Bella’s blood is nearly irresistible. After that, he doesn’t show up to school after weeks on end.
When Edward finally decides to show up, Bella asks him about his problem. Edward is very unclear in his explanation.
Bella, still confused about Edward’s weird behavior, sits out in the parking lot after school. One of her classmates, Tyler, lost control and is flying toward her in his black van.
Edward, clearly standing across the parking lot, gets to Bella unusually quick to stop the van before it crushes her.
Bella, in her mind, questions Edward’s ability to stop the van. The suspicion arises as Edward continues to give Bella weird and unclear answers.
She eventually is able to piece together the weird answers she gets from Edward to later find out that Edward is a vampire.
Edward feels ashamed of his being. Bella assures him she isn’t scared. After they discuss it for a while, Edward picks Bella up, takes her up the mountain, and shows her why he can’t be in the sunlight.
Bella notices his unusually beautiful crystallized skin. After that, they lay by each other, just staring at each other. By now, they both feel so in love.
One day, Edward is coming to pick Bella up to spend time with his family. He finally meets Chief Swan officially.
Edward and Bella are going to play baseball with the family. They have to play in a thunderstorm because the bat makes a thunderous sound when the ball is hit.
The family plays for a while, having good fun. Then, the three vicious vampires: Laurent, Victoria, and James show up. They want to play with the Cullens.
James, having super qualities, like smell and sight, knows Bella is a human. The hunt starts now.
Bella starts getting really nervous. She loses a lot of trust in Edward, as he still keeps assuring her she’ll be okay.
When everyone finally escapes the turmoil, Alice and Jasper agree to take Bella south to keep her safe.
After driving for a while, they stop at a hotel. Alice has a vision about James making the hunt his only obsession.
When Alice describes the vision to Bella, she gets a call from Edward. He says he’d do anything to keep her safe. She got another call from James, saying he has her mom and needs to show up at her old ballet studio if she doesn’t want anything to happen to her mom.
Bella decides that dying in the place of a loved one is a good way to go. She walks into the studio and James finds her, and threatens her.
Edward shows up and starts fighting with James. James is able to throw Edward away just long enough to bite Bella on the wrist.
After Edward’s family shows up, they are able to contain James. Edward has to suck the venom out of Bella to prevent her from becoming a vampire.
Edward found it very hard to stop sucking Bella’s blood, and the blood loss put her in the hospital. James also broke her leg. They told her mom she fell.
Still in the cast from when James broke her leg, she goes to prom with Edward.
As they slow dance outside, alone, Bella asks to become a vampire. Edward kisses her neck and tells her he wants her to be human.