21 July 20054th ESMF Community Meeting Overview of the Battlespace Environments Institute Rick Allard Naval Research Laboratory Stennis Space Center, MS.


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Presentation transcript:

21 July 20054th ESMF Community Meeting Overview of the Battlespace Environments Institute Rick Allard Naval Research Laboratory Stennis Space Center, MS

21 July 20054th ESMF Community Meeting

21 July 20054th ESMF Community Meeting Institute Overview Facilitate the integration of Earth and space modeling capabilities into a seamless, whole-earth common modeling infrastructure allowing the inter-service development of multiple, mission- specific environmental simulations. (GOAL) Support battlefield decisions, improve interoperability, reduce operating costs, streamline the transition of cutting-edge environmental technologies from research into DoD operations. (GOAL) Use the Earth System Modeling Framework (ESMF) as an “enabling technology” to develop the whole-earth system. Bring in DoD as a partner to the ESMF. Transition non-DoD ESMF applications to DoD. (STRATEGY) Foster wider collaborations between DoD, multiple government agencies, academia and industry. The Battlespace Environments Institute (BEI) will:

21 July 20054th ESMF Community Meeting BEI Management Framework

21 July 20054th ESMF Community Meeting Institute Technical Framework Technical Teams: Army (ERDC): Groundwater, riverine Air Force (AFWA): Space weather, WRF Navy (NRL-SSC): Ocean dynamics (waves, currents, ice), coupling Navy (NRL-MRY) Atmospheric modeling, enhancements and coupling NCAR: ESMF Core Team, unstructured grids, WRF, new capabilities for DoD

21 July 20054th ESMF Community Meeting BEI Board of Directors Dr. Cray Henry (Director, HPCMP) Dr. Eric Hartwig (NRL ADOR) Dr. Ed Gough (CNMOC TD) Mr. Mike Howland (AFWA TD) Mr. Al Kellie (NCAR) Dr. Tom Richardson (ERDC)

21 July 20054th ESMF Community Meeting NO DOD COMPONENT !! BEFORE BEI …

21 July 20054th ESMF Community Meeting Build ESMF interfaces within existing scalable ocean models (HYCOM, NCOM, SWAN and ADCIRC) Provide the necessary components for applications with atmospheric, ocean, ice, and riverine models. Develop coupled applications to support operational Navy: HYCOM-CICE (ocean, ice) SWAN-ADCIRC (wave, circulation) ADCIRC-WASH123D (circulation, riverine, watershed) COAMPS-NCOM (atmosphere, ocean) NRL SSC Role in the Battlespace Environments Institute Project Overview

21 July 20054th ESMF Community Meeting NRL-SSC Progress to Date NCOM: Level 4 compliance by Sep ‘05 HYCOM: Level 4 compliance by Sep ‘05 Begin work with ESMF version of CICE Integrated Software Development Plan Underway FY06 Plans Alpha, Beta Testing of HYCOM-CICE Attain Level 4 ESMF Compliance with ADCIRC, SWAN

21 July 20054th ESMF Community Meeting HYCOM Validation

21 July 20054th ESMF Community Meeting

Global HYCOM Coupling With CICE CICE will run on HYCOM grid which will ease coupling between ocean and ice models Sensitivity runs are currently underway for validation at coarser resolution (~35 km) Coupling will be done in fully-coupled mode using ESMF (coordinated with BEI institute) HYCOM Arctic grid resolution ~3.5 km (for 1/12 degree global HYCOM planned for FY07 transition to NAVOCEANO)

21 July 20054th ESMF Community Meeting Build ESMF and WRF interfaces within COAMPS to facilitate: Model Additions/Exchanges Data Exchanges Physical parameterization exchanges (leveraged w/SPAWAR funding) Prototype two-way coupling suggests: Improved atmospheric boundary layer prediction Improved ocean boundary layer prediction Successfully implemented ESMF into NOGAPS/POP two-way coupled system Convert COAMPS atmospheric model and flux coupler to ESMF architecture NRL MRY Role in the Battlespace Environments Institute Project Overview

21 July 20054th ESMF Community Meeting

21 July 20054th ESMF Community Meeting NRL-MRY FY06 Plans Annual Goal: (NRL-MRY, NRL-SSC) Develop coupled COAMPS-NCOM application. Test flux coupler to work with both COAMPS and NCOM modeling systems. Identify environmental data (e.g., sea surface temperature) that will be exchanged between models. Coupled system will be tested on multiple HPC platforms. System should demonstrate both one- and two-way capability. Measures of success (metrics) Successful Alpha test of coupled COAMPS-NCOM by 4QFY06. Coordinate with Mission Support Center (San Diego) in regards to planned FY07 transition to operations.

21 July 20054th ESMF Community Meeting

21 July 20054th ESMF Community Meeting AFWA Progress to Date Contracts being awarded for space wx tasking Develop scalable versions of HAF, GAIM models using ESMF infrastructure FY06: Software Acceptance Testing of scalable HAF, GAIM WRF parallel benchmarks available to community

21 July 20054th ESMF Community Meeting ERDC Progress to Date Begin coding work with WASH123D model; coordinate with NRL-SSC on development of coupled application using ADCIRC or NCOM ESMF Unstructured grid support needed FY06: Annual Goal: Develop coupler between WASH123D and [ADCIRC or NCOM]. Identify environmental fields to be exchanged (e.g., river discharge, currents, tide levels) between models Measures of success (metrics) Successful testing of WASH123D with stub ocean model using coupler.

21 July 20054th ESMF Community Meeting Guidelines for application development ESMF does not mandate how components interact. Need to define and implement the rules (standards) a component must follow to be part of the DoD whole-earth system. Goal is NOT to require that all components from space to underground run at the same time as one system. Instead, each organization uses the same whole-earth system (software and standards) to run the components of interest to them. Once we have ESMF-compliant components we will prototype the whole-earth system across limited domains (e.g. littoral or air-ocean) The prototypes will be immediately useful, but the goal is to gain the experience necessary to design and build a comprehensive whole- earth system.

21 July 20054th ESMF Community Meeting NCAR Progress to Date Grant between NRL/NCAR signed June 2005 (hooray!) 2 members of ESMF core team covered full-time Recruitment effort underway for UCAR Visiting Scientist (unstructured grids) The ESMF Core Team worked on the development of ESMF Version 2.2.0, released in July, This public release includes:  Performance optimization for communications where multiple fields are transferred  Reworked makefiles designed to be easier to maintain and port to new architectures  Bug fixes, including problems with redistribution and halo methods in concurrent components (needed by Steve Lowder, NRL MRY contractor, among others)

21 July 20054th ESMF Community Meeting BEI Interaction with ESMF and Related Efforts

21 July 20054th ESMF Community Meeting BEI Timeline BOD 2 nd Site Visit Aug 3 rd (Stennis) Supercomputing ’05 Nov ‘05(Seattle) Integrated Modeling Session at Fall AGU BEI Review 2 nd Q FY06 (NCAR ?) HPCMP UGC June ’06 (Denver) BOD 3 rd Site Visit (TBD)

21 July 20054th ESMF Community Meeting Questions ?