ANDAMAN & NICOBAR TELECOM CIRCLE Number of Telephone Exchanges :47 No.of Working Lines BASIC:13970 CDMA:11233 GSM: Broadband:3600 No.of Mobile BTS GSM:125 CDMA:85
Tele-Density:58 % No.of Inhabited Islands:37 No.of Uninhabited Islands:519 No.of Islands covered with BSNL Telecom facility:17 No.of Villages:501 No.of Villages covered with VPT:352 Uncovered Villages:149 Broadband facility Available in Islands: South Andaman,N&M Andaman,CarNicobar ANDAMAN & NICOBAR TELECOM CIRCLE
CITIZEN CENTRIC e-GOVERNANCE Deeper awareness about NeGP initiatives among all the stakeholders and line departments in States. E-Governance initiatives and priorities of the States and showcasing of successful projects. Discuss challenges in speeding up the delivery of e-Services and state specific issues Understanding Emerging technologies and solutions from industry.
Pivotal Role of BSNL in major e-Governance Projects ProjectsNodal Ministry Common Service Centre (CSCs)MOC & IT State Wide Area Network (SWAN)MOC & IT National Mission For Education Through Information and Communication Technology (NMEICT) Ministry of HRD Crime and Criminal Tracking Network & Systems (CCTNS) Ministry of Home Affaires National Animal Disease Reporting System(NADRS) Ministry of Agriculture Controller General of Defence Accounts(CGDA)Ministry of Defence
Common Service Centre - Vision and Objective For providing all Government Services at an affordable cost and in integrated manner at the door step of the citizens. CSCs are envisioned as the front-end delivery points for government, private and social sector services to citizens of India. CSCs will deliver services in the areas of telecom, agriculture, health, education, entertainment, FMCG products, banking and financial services, utility payments, etc. Each CSC is expected to serve a cluster of 6-7 villages, thereby covering more than six lakh villages across India
Common Service Centre - Vision and Objective Government of India has planned to role out over one lakh across the Nation. CSC as a Change Agent: The CSCs are much more than mere service delivery points in the rural India. A CSC is positioned as a Change Agent as it - promotes rural entrepreneurship, builds rural capacities and livelihoods, enables community participation and effects collective action for social change. ICT as an enabler: ICT can be a powerful enabler of developmental goals as its use can dramatically improve communications and exchange of information for strengthening and creating new economic and social networks.
CSC Project Rollout 96,500 Broadband Connectivity is to be provided by BSNL out of planned 1 lakh CSCs. Status Country-wide : TargetCovered as on PlannedTotal ADSL Wimax ph-I Wimax ph-II EVDO
Status A&N circle: Covered as on PlannedCSC Connected ADSL305010
SWAN – VISION & OBJECTIVE To create ICT Network to bring speed, efficiency, reliability and accountability in overall system of Govt. to Govt. (G2G) functioning. To act as a conversed backbone network for voice, video and data communications across each State/UT The State Wide Area Network are being established in 27 States and 6 UTs across the country The State Wide Area Network is a multi-tier architecture connecting State/UT Headquarter (SHQ), District Headquarter (DHQ) and Block Headquarter (BHQ) Minimum 2 MB connectivity between POPs
SWAN – A&N Status For 327 locations estimate has been provided. For 107 locations demand note has been provided for A&N administration to various departments like: Employment Exchange Director of Health Services DC & Tehesil Offices Electricity Offices CSC’S
SWAN Status of A&N CategoryBand width RequiredCommissionedPending due to BSNL (Not feasible) Pending due to State Employment Exchange 2MB5-14 Director of Health Services 2MB10-- DC & Tehesil Offices 2MB Electricity offices 2MB CSC’s2MB POP to POP8MB& 2MB Total
NMEICT National Mission For Education Through Information and Communication Technology Vision & Objectives: Connecting all universities and colleges through high speed data network to share knowledge, specialized resources and collaborative research. Making a Network of all recognized universities and respective colleges.
NME University – Consolidated Status NME University – Consolidated Status University connectivity GovtPvtTotal 1.1G connectivity to Universities Universities connected Universities to be connected BSNL ready. UPS required for NIC router -1 Newly Allotted universities-4 Connectivity linked to LAN-1 University not willing / Consent not given -10 Note – Four Additional universities were connected that are not figuring in the NME final list of 400.
University connectivity GovtTotal 1.Universities connected(512Kbps) 55 NME University Status – A&N 1.JNRM College 2.TGCE College 3.RMRC College 4.BRAIT College 5.MGGC College
NME Colleges – Status NME Colleges – Status College connectivity Total 1. Total No of Colleges to be connected No. of Colleges connected No of VPNoBB connections provided164018
NME College status – A&N Circle NME College status – A&N Circle No. of Colleges connected No of VPNoBB connections provided 535
NKN National Knowledge Network Scope & Objective: NKN is a state-of-the-art multi-gigabit pan-India network for providing a unified high speed network backbone for all knowledge related institutions in the country. NKN will enable scientists, researchers and students from different backgrounds and diverse geographies to work closely for advancing human development in critical and emerging areas.
NKN-Status Type of LinkAllotte d Links Not Feasible / Dropped Total Links for execution Connect ed Commissi oning Memos Received Balance Total To be connec ted Commissi oning Memos to be Received 2.5G Core Links 372 NIC does not want 2.5 G G Core Links 307 (10G NF) G District Links G User Links1116 (D) & 4 Conected under NME Total
CCTNS – VISION & OBJECTIVES To provide connectivity to around 20,000 Police Stations and higher offices of the States/UTs Technology Mix for proposed connectivity VPNoBBP2PLL LAN with Co-located SWAN POPs WiMAXVSAT All India10,0005,8002,0001,000
CCTNS - status In A&N Islands CCTNS is covered under SWAN project
E-Panchayat e-Panchayat is one of the 27 Mission Mode Projects (MMPs) under NeGP under the department of Panchayat Raj. Approximately Gram Panchayats are to be provided with high speed Broadband connections. BSNL has provided Broadband Connections to 1643 Gram Panchayats as below: – Wire line:1078 – Wireless:565
National Animal Disease Reporting System (NADRS) Total Nodes Completed Left cases All India Andaman & Nicobar 1371(Under progress), 5(Not Feasible)
Controller General of Defence Account project of VPNoBB Total Nodes Completed Left cases All India A&N Islands6--