IL BRUTTO ANATROCCOLO Classe III A Istituto Comprensivo Via G. Palombini Plesso E. Salgari Via Palombini,39 – Roma Insegnanti G. Marinelli, L. Tripodi, A. Peccolo Anno scol
It is summer. Here is a duck and five eggs: four little eggs and one big egg. The eggs crack… and the ducklings come out.
The duck and the ducklings go to the water. They swim and swim. They are happy… One of them is grey!
The yellow ducklings say: “You aren’t like us. You are an ugly duckling. We don’t want to play with you. Go away!”
The ugly duckling is very sad. He goes away.
The ugly duckling comes to a house and he gets help.
It is winter. It is very cold.
The ugly duckling sees a swan. “I want to be a swan”, he says.
The ugly duckling looks into the water. He sees a swan. “That’s me, I’m beautifull.” He is very happy.