Diocese of Bristol | Budget Consultations Budget Consultation Oliver Home Diocesan Secretary Matthew Hall Finance Manager
Diocese of Bristol | Budget Consultations Purpose Invite views and feedback Increase understanding Your input into the overall budget process
Diocese of Bristol | Budget Consultations Timetable Budget Consultations – July 2014 Initial budget to Diocesan Synod – 20 September Budget Committee – 30 September Approval by Bishop’s Council – 4 November Final budget to Diocesan Synod – 6 December
Diocese of Bristol | Budget Consultations Strategy High clergy turnover Managing change Reconfigure central support Redistribute stipendiary deployment Increase in new ministers
Diocese of Bristol | Budget Consultations Strategy Anticipate initial reduction in Parish Share Increase in non-Parish Share income Meet transitional costs from reserves
Diocese of Bristol | Budget Consultations The Diocese in numbers 2 Bishops & 1 Archdeacon 7 deaneries 164 parishes 204 churches 30,000 regular attendees 68 church schools 210 clergy (incl.120 paid) 33 staff in the Diocesan Office (some part-time)
Diocese of Bristol | Budget Consultations Context This budget covers the Bristol Diocesan Board of Finance Ltd (BDBF) The BDBF pays for clergy, their housing, training & development It also pays for training curates
Diocese of Bristol | Budget Consultations Context The BDBF pays for support services, including: –Education, Higher Education, Vacancy Development, Ecumenical Officer, Archdeacon, DAC, Safeguarding, Communications, Finance and HR
Diocese of Bristol | Budget Consultations The story so far…
Diocese of Bristol | Budget Consultations Results for 2013 Approved by Diocesan Synod Income = £7,356k Expenditure = £(7,550)k Deficit = £(194)k Mission Fund = £100k Deficit = £(94)k
Diocese of Bristol | Budget Consultations Results for 2013 Actual results (excl. restricted) Income = £7,356k £7,286k Expenditure = £(7,550)k £(7,526k) Deficit = £(194)k £(241k) Mission Fund = £100k £100k Deficit = £(94)k £(141k)
Diocese of Bristol | Budget Consultations Expectations for 2014 Approved by Diocesan Synod Income = £7,403k Expenditure = £(7,674)k Deficit = £(271)k Mission Fund = £100k Deficit = £(171)k
Diocese of Bristol | Budget Consultations Expectations for 2014 Revised forecast Income = £7,403k £7,253k Expenditure = £(7,674)k £(7,652) Deficit = £(271)k £(399) Mission Fund = £100k £100k Deficit = £(171)k £(299)
Diocese of Bristol | Budget Consultations Looking ahead to 2015 Initial budget forecast Income = £7,276k Expenditure = £(7,912)k Deficit = £(636)k Mission Fund = £0 Deficit = £(636)k
Diocese of Bristol | Budget Consultations Income Parish Share£5,015k Local fee income£350k Grants£955k Charges£126k Rental income£289k Investment income£541k TOTAL£7,276
Diocese of Bristol | Budget Consultations
Parish Share 2009£5.380m 2010£5.389m 2011£5.158m 2012£5.100m 2013£5.018m 2014£5.013m (pledged) 2015£5.015m (estimated)
Diocese of Bristol | Budget Consultations
Parish Share Supports diocese-wide mission Interdependency A radical idea?
Diocese of Bristol | Budget Consultations
Cuts made in 2014 ISR Strategy Support
Diocese of Bristol | Budget Consultations
Discussion How should we respond as a Diocese to the anticipated deficit for 2015?
Diocese of Bristol | Budget Consultations Strategy Listening to people’s vision and aspirations What kind of leadership? What kind of support? Where do we generate and focus our resources?
Diocese of Bristol | Budget Consultations Discussion In the longer term, where should our focus be, as a Diocese, in deploying our resources and generating income?
Diocese of Bristol | Budget Consultations Thank you
Diocese of Bristol | Budget Consultations Parish Officer training Saturday 18 October Sheldon School, Chippenham 9.30am to 3.45pm