Patrick Kearon The Bristol Port Company
Background Global warming – we all need to reduce CO2 output from our activities UK Target = 20% reduction in 1990 CO2 levels by 2010 South West Target = 11-15% of electricity from renewable sources Dependence on finite fossil fuels & increasing energy costs UK is Europe’s windiest country - average mean wind speeds >7m/s (18mph)
The Answer Imperative for The Bristol Port Company to develop a local renewable energy source to supply port demand
Outline of Proposals Erect 3 wind turbines (up to 3 MW), including associated bases and cables Construct control building & access ways Combined 9 MW = up to 75% of port’s electricity demand Development site is 8.5 hectares of reclaimed land in Avonmouth Dock Adjacent to Severn Estuary
Site Location
Site Selection - Alternatives 9 potential locations short-listed and tested against 3 key factors: Wind generating potential Aviation safety (Filton Airfeld) Possible impacts on birds using the estuary This location in Avonmouth Docks was identified as optimum site Turbine location finely adjusted to not interfere with air safety & bird migration routes
The Preferred Site
Typical Wind Turbine Dimensions Hub height 85 metres 279 feet Rotor diameter 70 metres (35m radius) 120m 393 ft
Environmental Issues Geology/Ground Conditions Hydrology/Hydrogeology Ecology Landscape and visual impacts Archaeology Traffic and transport Noise and vibration Telecommunications Air traffic Marine navigation
Landscape and Visual Impacts Evaluate effect on local landscape Turbines located in low-lying, heavily industrialised landscape, with many tall structures & buildings Landform, structures & woodlands restrict visibility Turbines will be visible from: Avonmouth Village (partial, restricted views, change inevitable in places) Pill (noticeable, but not intrusive) Higher elevations e.g. Lawrence Weston & Shirehampton (more visible, but distant & panoramic, not intrusive)
Photomontage of Landscape
Ecology and Birds No valuable habitats on site, but next to Severn Estuary SPA, SSSI and Ramsar site Ecological surveys to inform assessment of impacts on wildlife, including Extended Phase 1 habitat survey Bird surveys (e.g. High tide/low tide counts, night time, migration and breeding surveys) Key potential impacts on birds are Disturbance & Collisions With mitigation no adverse impact during construction 5 years monitoring (review in 2 years)
Bird Movements
Archaeology Assessment of archaeological remains in the vicinity of the development site: Terrestrial archaeology Maritime archaeology and historic activity Borehole assessment No known sites or monuments affected by the development Construction of turbines includes 30 metre piles into made ground Mitigation/Monitoring – archaeological recording
Historic Mapping
Balance of Effects No major adverse environmental impacts Potential disturbance of SPA birds and changed views from areas of Avonmouth Village All other negative impacts avoided or reduced by mitigation and design measures 17-26% of south west’s renewable energy target Provision of up to 75% of Port’s electricity Significant reduction in green house gasses (18,319 tonnes CO2 /plus SO2 & NOx)
Construction & Operation Construction end 2006 Construction programme about 36 weeks In operation this time in 2007 Operational life of 25 years Turbines then either replaced, refurbished or removed & site reinstated
The Way Forward BPC agreement with Ecotricity who will construct, own and operate the turbines BPC provided with energy for life of turbines “Overspill” electricity is publicly available - see ( We all need to do more to tackle global warming problem Wind turbines can contribute to the renewable energy solution