The pub life in Bristol Lin Meng-Ting Yucca
1.Intro 2.Strong points 3.Weak points 4.Personal experience 5.Conclusion
1.Introduction Stores are closed early at about 5pm. There is no amusement at night but only pubs.
2.Strong points (1)Pub life is really popular in Bristol. How often do they go to the pub ? timesOnce a month Twice a month Once a week Twice a week Three times a week frequency 12252
2.Strong points (2) Most people in Bristol like to go to local pubs.
3.Weak points (1)Most people like wine instead of beer. (2)Their drinking capacity are generally on average. (3)Most spend £ 5-10 on alcohol every week.
3.Weak points (3) Most spend £ 5-10 on alcohol every week.
4.Personal experience (1)The Avon Gorge (2)Joe Public (3)The Ole Duke (4)The Landogger Trow
5.Conclusion People like to go to local pubs for relaxation. People like quiet circumstance. People generally have pub life.