Data available on EDGE Valid application date
Key Performance Indicators Use real time data from Edge External KPIs: Cumulative Weighted Recruitment* to date 2012 compared to 2011 and 2010 Percentage of all reported studies achieving 70 day target for FPFV Percentage of all commercial studies meeting 100% time to target Internal KPIs: Percentage of Commercial Studies Meeting First Patient First Visit Target of 70 days Percentage of Non-Commercial Studies Meeting First Patient First Visit Target of 70 days Percentage of Non-Commercial Studies Meeting 100% Time to Target Closing studies criteria (% identified and % closed)
This data is extracted from the NIHR portfolio report. The target is a 5% increase from the 2010 figures. Cumulative Weighted Recruitment* to date 2012 compared to 2011 and 2010 Issue Date: 17/01/2013 Update Due: 27/02/2013
Comparison of Recruitment Reported on EDGE to that Reported on the NIHR Portfolio Issue Date: 17/01/2013 Update Due: 27/02/2013 Still having to chase researchers to input recruitment data onto EDGE
This data is taken from EDGE and includes both commercial and non-commercial studies. It only includes those studies which are reported to the NIHR through the BRU contract (i.e all clinical trials) and those studies on the NIHR portfolio. Issue Date: 17/01/2013 Update Due: 27/02/2013 Percentage of all reported studies achieving 70 day target for FPFV Monthly review of KPIs
Research management We use EDGE to record as much information as possible about the recruitment issues for each study We review the active studies weekly at our Operational team meeting Enables us to help identify and resolve issues early Run reports to identify common problems which feeds into the recruitment workstream.
Weekly recruitment reports reviewed by whole Operational team
Categorised issues We can focus on these issues first