Workforce Investment Act Goals Streamline services Empower individuals Increase accountability Provide local oversight Improve youth programs Give state and local governments the flexibility to meet the needs of their areas Create a One-Stop Career Center network Provide universal access to all training & workforce related programs
The Workforce Investment System US Department of Labor Governor of Virginia State Workforce Council Local Workforce Investment Boards Local One Stop Centers and WIA Program Operators
Virginia Workforce Investment Areas
NR/MR WIA is made up of… 13 Political Jurisdictions in Southwest VA (10 Counties and 3 Cities) Aprox. 4,234 Square Miles (mostly rural) A 2003 Estimated Population of 354,721 8,708 Employment Establishments in nd Largest WIA in terms of Jurisdictions Served 135 Miles from Montgomery County to Bristol TN
Workforce Investment Boards Local Boards are made up of area representatives from… Private Business (make up 51% of the board) Education Providers Labor Unions Community Based Organizations Economic Development Organizations One-Stop Partners
NR/MR WIB Members 22 Business Reps (at least 1 from each jurisdiction) 2 Education Reps 2 Organized Labor Reps 2 Community Based Organization Reps 2 Economic Development Reps 11 One-Stop Partner Reps* 1 Chief Local Elected Official 1 Member-at-Large 2 Ad-hoc Economic Dev. Reps One-Stop Partner Reps Adult Education/Literacy Post Secondary Education CSBG Employment & Training DRS Dept. for the Blind & Vision Impaired DSS HUD Employment & Training VEC Job Corps WIA Adult & Youth Programs Title V Older Worker Programs
Local Organizational Structure
Your Local Virginia Workforce Center
The One-Stop Center A Virginia Workforce Center is a place where local, state and federal employment, education and training programs are brought together as a a single network of public and private resources.
NR/MR Area One-Stop Centers
NR/MR One-Stop Centers Bristol Radford VECOffice VEC Office 192 Bristol East Road 206 Third Avenue Bristol VA Radford VA GalaxWytheville VEC Office 963 East Stuart Drive 870 East Main Street Galax VA Wytheville VA Marion VEC Office 1590 North Main Street Marion VA
What Does This Mean to You?
Employer Services One-Stop Centers –Recruit Applicants –Refer Applicants WIA Service Providers –Funding to Train WIA Eligible Clients Work Experience Internships On-the-Job Training Customized Training Occupational Skills Training
Partnership with Economic Development WIB Executive Director as an ad-hoc member of regional groups Regional Economic Development Directors as ad-hoc members of NR/MR WIB Sharing of data and information Working together on future initiatives to further the economic growth in the region Connecting Economic Development with Workforce Development
Workforce Data City/County