Manifesto for Race Equality in Bristol: ‘Batook’s Blueprint’ Batook Pandya MBE DL MA (Hons) Honouring Batook's commitment, involvement and constant strive.


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Presentation transcript:

Manifesto for Race Equality in Bristol: ‘Batook’s Blueprint’ Batook Pandya MBE DL MA (Hons) Honouring Batook's commitment, involvement and constant strive for Race Equality

Why we need a Manifesto 22% BME population Bristol constantly demonstrates it is a great city but it’s not succeeding on race equality practices Runnymede Trust (‘Drifting Upwards or Sliding Back’): Bristol – 7 th worst in terms of inequality between Black people and White people in education, employment, health and housing Local and national initiatives focusing on race equality no longer exist to push the agenda: CRE, Bristol REC, CEED, BDA, Race Forum

Bristol BME Voice Provided by Voscur and funded by Bristol City Council In addition to a Knowledge and Share programme bringing groups together with strategic decision makers – the key role this year has been to work with the Manifesto group to consult, develop and launch the Manifesto Many have committed much of their own time to draft the document

Manifesto timeline June 2013: Dr Richard Stone revisits Bristol 20 years on from Stephen Lawrence murder, 15 years on from the MacPherson report – what’s improved? Autumn: 2013: group of interested parties (VCS, statutory, and others) gather to consider drafting Manifesto. Spring 2014: ‘Feeling Bristolian’ conference; agreement to draft a Manifesto; ideas are put forward for areas to focus on.

Manifesto timeline Spring / summer 2014: Manifesto working group drafts document. Autumn 2014: further community event and on-line consultation feeds in to draft Manifesto. Winter 2014: Manifesto – working document produced –includes 7 key principles, early consultation with agencies. Spring 2015: further baseline data gathered to support the Manifesto.

Decision Makers: No strategic managers at Bristol City Council; 5 BME Bristol City Councillors out of 72 (7%) Cllr Mahmadur Khan Lack of economic growth & involvement through partnership Areas for improvement

Education Somali pupils 5.3% of Bristol school population. 2013: 5 GCSE A* - C (including English & Maths), achievement rate 26.8%. All pupils: 56%.

Education: 3 BME head teachers in 150 Bristol schools (2%); Continuing disparity in educational achievement. Criminal Justice: 1 chief inspector in Avon and Somerset Police; Stop and Search - black people 4.2 disproportionality ratio against white people. Areas for improvement

Young People: Encourage opportunities, recognise talents and increase confidence. Health: Levels in high end mental health services, under use of primary services. Areas for improvement

Manifesto to support agencies to meet their statutory duties on both employment and services. Opportunity for communities and agencies to work together for positive change; remembering to include staff in discussions. Moving forward

Raise awareness in BME communities that we can create channels of influence; Re-encourage new local positive action initiatives Encourage individuals to work together and take action when lack of progress on Race Equality is identified Moving forward

What the Manifesto contains: 7 principles 1.Fair representation 2.Address the impact of multiple discrimination 3.Increase decision making and voter registration 4.Eliminate racial stereotyping 5.Make race equality a high priority 6.Ensure adequate resources to enable change to happen 7.Improve social and economic opportunities. Action plan, then take action, action, action!!!

Decision makers and Leadership A city that all feel part of and can thrive in Collective approach to Race Equality Agencies and decision makers more innovative to enable major change – take committed action Hopes, aspirations, opportunities Communities willing to come forward to share their experiences and support change Share what’s being done well The Manifesto can achieve….

In your opinion… 1.Why is the Manifesto relevant? 2.What do we want to see as outcomes for our communities? 3.What structured routes can be taken to get the right outcome? 4.What can individuals or groups do to support it? 5.What do you want us to tell agencies? 6.How should actions be reviewed? 7.When should actions be reviewed? You have another opportunity today to contribute your thoughts

How to find out more? Bristol BME Voice website: Voscur phone number: