Punctuation: Commas, Colons, Semi-colons, Dashes and Hyphens, and Brackets Louise Livesey Academic Skills Adviser This workshop will −Refresh your understanding of different punctuation and its function −Provide tips for the appropriate use of commas, colons, semi-colons, dashes, hyphens and brackets −Provide practice and follow-on activities for you to be able continue to improve your use of punctuation
The comma The colon The semi-colon Today’s Plan
The hardest working punctuation in English language Separation Eats shoots and leaves −Separating the words in a different way gives new meaning 1.The Comma
The 7 rules of commas 1 To separate the clauses in a sentence 2 To separate the introductory element of a sentence from the main part (or subject) of it 3 To separate an additional and final part of a sentence from the opening and main part (or subject) of it 4 To separate out essential/useful information from the main part (subject) of the sentence 5 To separate out nonessential words from the remainder of the sentence. The word ‘however’ is used as a signal to suggest a change of direction or to stress an exception to the rule 6 To separate commands or interjections from the remainder of the sentence 7 To separate out a) adjectives, or b) list of items in a sentence 1.The Comma
Clauses A clause is a group of words that may or may not have a complete meaning on their own. Clauses are building blocks of sentences with each one adding to the overall detail of a sentence. A sentence may contain more than one clause, but must have one main clause. 1.The comma
2.The Colon Signal Substitute Introduction Separation
Examples: Signal: As he grew older Joseph found he became more paranoid in two main ways: his dislike of spending his own money, and his dislike of others spending his money. Substitute: The way ahead for the organisation was quite clear: to reorganise, regroup, and rethink their strategy. Introduction: The backlog in orders continued to build. One person familiar with the system likened it to a sponge: ‘It could take so much water and then no more’ Separation: Lady Macbeth: Is this a dagger I see before me? 2.The Colon
3.The Semi-colon Link Separation
Hyphen: No space before and after Adjectives Some prefixes Number and another word Numbers Surnames 4.Dashes and hyphens
Dashes: Space before and after Add thought or comment in middle or end of sentence To summarise or conclude something at end of sentence 4.Dashes and hyphens
Should be used for: Cross-references Sources of information Around numbers/letters 5.Brackets Can be used for: Add non-essential information For a whole sentence adding information
Question: who can you go to in the university for proof-reading, assignment checking or assisted editing? Nobody
Clip art – colon/question Drawingcoach.com (2010) Drawing a Friendly Cartoon Panda [online]. Available at: [Accessed ]. Harrison, M., Jakeman, V. and Paterson, K. (2012) Improve your grammar. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. How Stuff Works. (2012) 10 Completely wrong ways to use a comma. [online] Available at: [Accessed ]. Lucy and Maeve. (2009) Colon. [online] Available at: [Accessed ]. Lucy and Maeve. (2009) Semi-colon. [online] Available at: [Accessed ]. Savage, D. (2007) Endangered. [online] Available at: [Accessed ]. Schwartz, B (2013) Search Engine Roundtable. [online] Available at: advice html [Accessed ]. University of Bristol. (2012) Using the comma. Bristol: University of Bristol. [online] Available at: [Accessed ]. References
Academic Skills Advice Service Where are we? Chesham Building B0.23 What do we do? Support undergraduate students with their academic skills by running clinics and workshops, having bookable appointment slots, and enabling students to drop-in for Instant Action. Who are we? Michael and Helen specialise in Maths Support; Lucy and Russell advise students on study skills; and I (Louise) deliver the workshops When can you come for help? Everyday both face to face and on-line How do I get in touch? academic- or website skillsacademic-
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