How to Grow & Scale a Student Group
Introductions Dave Jarman: Head of Enterprise Education Ex Careers Service & UBU Ex Sabbatical Officer Ex Society & JCR President Principles: You’re all running a business that provides a service to a customer (your members) You’re trying to create value (profit) for your organisation You’re trying to create a valued experience for your customers
The Lessons 1. SWOT 2. Strategy for Growth 3. Remember the Vision 4. Create a Culture 5. Think Big, Act Small, Fail Fast
Lesson #1 SWOT Analysis Strengths: what are you already good at? What resources and assets have you got? Positive feedback? Weaknesses: What are you poor at? What do you lack? Negative feedback? Opportunities: What is changing in the wider world that you could use? What new skills or resources have you got? Threats: What is changing in the wider world that endangers you? What skills or resources are you in danger of losing? Do a quick SWOT with your group – be honest! Maximise Strengths and Opportunities, Mitigate for Weaknesses and Threats
Lesson #2 Strategies for Growth Do what you already do but better (market penetration) Encourage loyalty and potentially engage more at a higher price Encourage new members (market development) Why haven’t these ‘natural’ members joined yet? Create new services for existing members (product development) New ways to engage people and potentially charge them for Create new services for new members (diversification) New offers specifically for new members – but don’t wander too far! Which strategy feels right for your ambitions?
Lesson #3 Remember the Vision What is your group for? What does your group look like in 3 years time? What are your values? What would not be a positive change? What does your group look like in 3 years time? What do you want a reputation for? What do you need to avoid?
Lesson #4 Create a culture “Culture eats strategy for breakfast” Symptoms and Diseases Pick a characteristic that you want to be true of your group: Ambitious, Friendly, Professional, Caring, Honest, Enthusiastic, Welcoming, Knowledgeable, Confident? What ‘symptoms’ or behaviours would you see or hear if your members had that characteristic? How could you encourage that behaviour?
Lesson #5 Think Big, Act Small, Fail Fast… Be ambitious – have a vision for the future Start doing stuff to realise that vision, however small the step If you’re going to make mistakes (and you will), do it quickly, pick yourself up, try again… What could you start today that would lead to future success?
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