Is medicine the right choice?
Entry requirements Minimum GCSE requirements Typical offer must match predicted A level grades Stipulations regarding resits Choice of fourth subject for A2 year
Research THE choices Research fees and bursaries Attend an Open Day
Prepare the application Work experience Personal statement Background reading
Preparing for interview Interviews at the University of Bristol Video of medical school interview at University of Bristol Video of medical school interview at University of Bristol Medical School mock interview
Medical admissions tests Trend towards admissions tests for UK universities Applicants must sit UKCAT, or BMAT, or both Admissions are very competitive Too many candidates will achieve all A grades at A- level Admission test result is often a discriminating factor
Medical admissions timeline 1 st MayUKCAT registration opens 1 st JulyFirst date to sit UKCAT 15 th SepBHASVIC UCAS deadline 19 th SepUKCAT registration deadline 1 st OctStandard entry closing date for BMAT 3 rd OctLast date to sit UKCAT 15 th OctLast entry closing date for BMAT 15 th OctUCAS deadline: medicine, dentistry, veterinary 5 th NovBMAT test date 26 th NovBMAT results released
UKCAT facts UK Clinical Aptitude Test Consortium of 26 universities Computer-based test Taken at Pearson VUE centres £65 to 31 st August; £80 thereafter
UKCAT universities Aberdeen Barts and the London (Queen Mary) Cardiff Dundee Durham East Anglia Edinburgh Glasgow Hull York Keele King’s College London Leeds Leicester Manchester Newcastle Nottingham Penisnsula (Exeter and Plymouth) Queen’s University Belfast Sheffield Southampton St Andrew’s St George’s London
BMAT facts BioMedical AdmissionsTest Required by 5 universities Offered only on 5 th November 2011 Paper-based test Students register through school Fee for UK residents: £
BMAT universities University of Cambridge Imperial College London University of Oxford Royal Veterinary College University College London BSMS