Le passé composé
You form the passé composé by using a conjugation of avoir and a past participle. It is a past tense.
Avoir j’ ai tu as il elle a on nous avons vous avez ils ont elles
Past participles now you need to form the past participles: for regular –er verbs, you drop the –er and add é parler- parlé
past participles for regular –ir verbs, you drop the –ir and add i finir- fini for regular –re verbs, you drop the –re and add u vendre- vendu
We passed our tests. Nous avons réussi à nos examens. I sold that bread. J’ ai vendu ce pain. You played soccer. Tu as joué au foot.
You will place the ne… pas in the same position. It will go around the conjugated verb. The conjugated verb is a form of “avoir”
They did not finish their homework. Ils n’ont pas fini leurs devoirs. She did not study last night. Elle n’a pas étudié hier soir. I did not return that book. Je n’ai pas rendu ce livre.