Reflexive Verbs
Reflexive verbs are verbs in which the subject is performing the action on him/ herself. Reflexive verbs are verbs in which the subject is performing the action on him/ herself. These verbs will have reflexive pronouns. These verbs will have reflexive pronouns. These reflexive pronouns will agree with the subject. These reflexive pronouns will agree with the subject.
Reflexive Pronouns je jeme tu tute il il elle ellese on on nous nousnous vous vousvous ils ils elles ellesse
The direct object i.e. hair will not have a possessive adjective i.e. my, your. The direct object i.e. hair will not have a possessive adjective i.e. my, your. The possession is expressed through the reflexive pronoun. The possession is expressed through the reflexive pronoun. Literally, I brush the hair of me. Literally, I brush the hair of me. Je me brosse les cheveux. Je me brosse les cheveux.
se lever, se promener, and sappeler are irregular. se lever, se promener, and sappeler are irregular. They change in the boot They change in the boot Pay attention to the changes. Pay attention to the changes.
se lever je je me lève tu tu te lèves il il se lève nous nous nous levons vous vous vous levez ils ils se lèvent
se promener je je me promène tu tu te promènes elle elle se promène nous nous nous promenons vous vous vous promenez elles elles se promènent
sappeler je je mappelle tu tu tappelles elle elle sappelle nous nous nous appelons vous vous vous appelez ils ils sappellent
They They are getting up. Ils Ils se lèvent. She She is going to bed. Elle Elle se couche. You You are preparing. Tu Tu te prépares.
La Négation You will still add ne.. pas or any of the negative expressions to make the sentence negative. You will still add ne.. pas or any of the negative expressions to make the sentence negative. The ne will go before the reflexive pronoun. The ne will go before the reflexive pronoun. The pas or negative expression will go after the verb. The pas or negative expression will go after the verb.
He He is not washing. Il Il ne se lave pas. You You all are not hurrying. Vous Vous ne vous dépêchez pas. The The girls are not putting on make up. Les Les filles ne se maquillent pas.