Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo To Play Trivia Daniel Deutch ICDE ‘11 [Deutch, Greenshpan, Kostenko,Milo] PODS ‘10 [Deutch, Koch, Milo] WebDAM meeting March.


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Presentation transcript:

Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo To Play Trivia Daniel Deutch ICDE ‘11 [Deutch, Greenshpan, Kostenko,Milo] PODS ‘10 [Deutch, Koch, Milo] WebDAM meeting March 2011

Answering trivia questions automatically Based on knowledge collected from a crowd of users (human Trivia Players) Some of this knowledge is erroneous –But we don’t know which Some of the users are more credible than others –But we don’t know in advance the credibility of all users Our goal 2

System Architecture 3

Trivia Game 4

Question Answering 5

Say that we collect information on Basketball players and their teams [Support is the number of people who claimed the fact to be true] Now we want to answer questions Simple ones: “Where does Gasol play?” Or more complex, involving additional information: “Which team has the greatest number of players taller than 7ft?” Motivating Example SupportTeamPlayer 003MemphisGasol 100LakersGasol 50San AntonioDuncan 50New JerseyDuncan 6

By majority vote? But some people know NBA basketball better than others.. So maybe a “biased vote”? But how to bias? A “chicken or the egg” problem: To know what is true we need to know who to believe. But to know who to believe we need to know who is usually right (and in particular, what is true..) How would we answer? 7

Start with some estimation on the trust in users Gain confidence in facts based on the opinion of users that supported them –Give more weight to users that we trust Then update the trust level in users, based on how many of the facts which they submitted, we believe Iterate until convergence Trusted players give us confidence in facts, and players that supported these facts gain our trust… So what can we do? 8

Start with some prior belief in every user do { Probabilistically choose a correct team for every player based on popular support (biased by the belief in users) Evaluate the query, add a point to every obtained query result Increase your belief in every user that supported the chosen assertion } until (convergence of the ratio of results) (One possible) Probabilistic Algorithm 9

Example Use Case UserTeamPlayer AliceLakersGasol BobLakersGasol CarolMemphisGasol CarolNew JerseyDuncan BobSan AntonioDuncan ConfidenceUser 6Alice 2Bob 2Carol 10

Partial Execution CU 6A 2B 2C TP LAG SAD TP LAG NJD TP MG D TP MG SAD 8/10*2/4 2/10*2/4 CU 7A 4B 2C CU 7A 3B 3C … … … … … … 11

We believe Alice, But we don’t know whether to believe Bob or Carol Hence don’t know if Duncan plays for NJ or SA [Note that (weighted) majority vote won’t help us in deciding this] We have some reason to believe Bob more: We think he was correct saying that Gasol plays for LA [We think this because we believe Alice] [Therefore Bob may have better Basketball knowledge] In general things are more complex(more users,facts..) What’s going on? 12

With high probability, Bob will eventually gain a significant advantage (over Carol) in his confidence level –At the first step there’s 40% chance of him getting a two points gain over Carol, 40% chance of them having the same confidence level, 20% chance for Carol to win a one point gain over Bob –If Bob (eventually) wins an advantage, his chances of winning an extra advantage become even higher in the following steps –With good chance, we will eventually get “almost certain” that Alice and Bob are both more credible than Carol And will conclude that Duncan Plays for San Antonio What’s going on? (cont.) 13

We can repeat the algorithm N times, each time restarting the confidence levels to their original ones In our example, almost 80% of the executions will result in believing that Duncan plays for SA Our automated Trivia query engine can answer “SA” to “Where does Duncan play?”, with good confidence This kind of algorithm is called Markov Chain Monte Carlo Sampling 14

Markov Chain: –Finite State Machine with probabilities on its transitions –Markovian Property: the next state is independent of the past states (given the current state) In our case the states correspond to database instances The probabilities on the transitions are determined by the algorithm Markov Chain 15

A Monte Carlo algorithm –A general term for an algorithm that relies on sampling [We sample here over multiple traversals on the Markov Chain] Monte Carlo algorithms are by nature approximation algorithms But they approximate pretty well in practice Monte Carlo 16

The algorithm we have presented is useful by itself We could implement it in Java and use it –But this may be complex for large datasets … Also, there are many other algorithms in the literature Conclusion: –We want to have easy control on the employed policy –We really don’t want to rewrite Java code for each tiny change! –We want (seamless) optimization, update propagation.,,, General Policies 17

Database approach: define a declarative language for specifying policies We defined a new language [PODS ‘10] which combines datalog (for recursion) with a way of making probabilistic choices Using this language we can define MCMC algorithms! Declarative specifications are robust, generic, and allow optimizations. General Policies (cont.) 18

Add to datalog a REPAIR-KEY (RK) [Koch ‘09] construct REPAIR-KEY “repairs” key violations (=contradictions) in the database, choosing one possible option, probabilistically, according to the sum of support in this option, relative to the other options General Policies (cont.) 19

Example Use Case UserTeamPlayer AliceLakersGasol BobLakersGasol CarolMemphisGasol CarolNew Jersey Duncan BobSan Antonio Duncan Conf.User 3Alice 2Bob 2 2Carol 2 20 UserConf UserFacts

DROP BelievedFacts; INSERT INTO BelievedFacts Confidence] ON UserFacts INNER JOIN UsersConf; Implementation in probabilistic datalog 21

UPDATE UsersConf, Q1 SET UsersConf.confidence = Q1.CorrectFacts + UsersConf.confidence WHERE UsersConf.user = Q1.user; Q1 = SELECT user, COUNT(DISTINCT player) As CorrectFacts FROM Q2 GROUP BY user; Q2 = SELECT user,team,player FROM UserFacts UF WHERE EXIST (SELECT * FROM BelievedFacts BF WHERE BF.player = UF.player AND = Implementation in probabilistic datalog 22

The prob. of a query result is the probability that it appears in the evaluation on the database, at an arbitrary point of the walk More formally: –The probability of observing a sequence seq = [s 1,…,s n ] is the multiplication of transition probabilities –Let |seq| denote the length of seq –Given a database state s, Pr(s)= –The prob. of a tuple t is the sum of Pr(s) over all s for which t appears in Q(s) Semantics | |

Problem: Given a “probabilistic datalog” program and an SQL query on the database (“where does Duncan play”), compute the probabilities of the different answers to appear at a random time of the walk. Theorem: Exact computation is NP-hard Theorem: If the MC is ergodic, then computable in EXPTIME in number of states Compute the stochastic matrix of transitions Compute its fixpoint For ergodic Markov Chain corresponds to correct probabilities Sum up probabilities of states where the query event holds Theorem: In general, 2-EXPTIME Apply the above to each connected component of the Markov Chain Factor by probability of being in each component Some Complexity Results 24

Approximations: –Absolute approximation: approximates correct probability ±ε –Relative approximation: approximates correct probability up to a factor in-between (1- ε), (1+ ε). [Relative is harder to achieve] Theorem: No PTIME (randomized) approximation exists unless P=NP Reduction from 3-SAT Construct a MC that probabilistically chooses assignments Query event asks whether the given assignment is satisfying Such assignment will be found with prob. > 0 iff exists Consequently deciding if the probability is 0 or not is hard Approximation Algorithms 25

Theorem: For ergodic underlying MC, randomized absolute approximation possible in PTIME w.r.t. DB size and MC mixing time The PTIME algorithm is a sampling algorithm [In the spirit of the algorithm demonstrated earlier.] Approximation Algorithms (cont.) 26

How (and when) can we evaluate things fast enough? How to store the vast amount of data? Distributed Databases? Map-reduce? How to motivate users to contribute useful facts? First need to find what data is needed/missing… Give user points, based on answers novelty & correctness ? But we do not know which answers are correct ! Well, we can use our estimation algorithm… Other possible techniques? The data keeps changing. How to handle updates? Other important issues 27