1 Gholamreza Haffari Anoop Sarkar Presenter: Milan Tofiloski Natural Language Lab Simon Fraser university Homotopy-based Semi- Supervised Hidden Markov Models for Sequence Labeling
2 Motivation & Contributions Experiments Homotopy method More experiments Outline
3 Parameter setting for the joint probability of input-output which maximizes probability of the given data: L : labeled data U : unlabeled data Maximum Likelihood Principle
4 Deficiency of MLE Usually |U| >> |L|, then Which means the relationship of input-output is ignored when estimating the parameters ! –MLE focuses on modeling the input distribution P(x) –But we are interested in modeling the joint distribution P(x,y)
5 Remedy for the Deficiency Balance the effect of lab and unlab data: Find which maximally take advantage of lab and unlab data MLE
6 An experiment with HMM Lower is Better MLE Performance MLE can hurt the performance Balancing lab and unlab data related terms is beneficial
7 Our Contributions 1.Introducing a principled way to choose for HMM in sequence labeling (tagging) tasks 2.Introducing an efficient dynamic programming algorithm to compute second order statistics in HMM
8 Motivation & Contributions Experiments Homotopy method More experiments Outline
9 Task Field segmentation in information extraction 13 tag fields: AUTHOR, TITLE, … EDITOR EDITOR EDITOR EDITOR EDITOR EDITOR TITLE A. Elmagarmid, editor. Transaction TITLE TITLE TITLE TITLE TITLE TITLE PUB Models for Advanced Database Applications, Morgan PUB PUB PUB DATE DATE - Kaufmann, 1992.
10 Experimental Setup Use an HMM with 13 states –Freeze the transition (state->state) probabilities to what has been observed in the lab data –Use the Homotopy method to just learn the emission (state->alphabet) probabilities –Do add- smoothing for the initial values of emission and transition probabilities Data statistics: –Average seq. length : 36.7 –Average number of segments in a seq: 5.4 –Size of Lab/Unlab data is 300/700
11 Baselines Held-out: put aside part of the lab data as a held-out set, and use it t choose Oracle: choose based on test data using per position accuracy Supervised: forgetting about unlab data, and just using lab data
12 Homotopy vs Baselines Higher is Better Sequence of most probable states decoding See paper for more results Even very small values of can be useful. In homotopy =.004, and in supervised = 0
13 Motivation & Contributions Experiments Homotopy method More experiments Outline
14 Path of Solutions Look at as changes from 0 to 1 Choose the best based on the path Discontinuity Bifurcation
15 EM for HMM Let be a state->state or state->observation event in our HMM To find best parameter values which (locally) maximizes the objective function for a fixed : Repeat until convergence EM ( )
16 Fixed Points of EM Useful fact At the fixed points, then This is similar to using Homotopy for root finding –Same numerical techniques should be applicable here
17 Homotopy for Root Finding To find a root of G( ) –start from a root of a simple problem F( ) –trace the roots of intermediate problems while morphing F to G To find which satisfy the above: –Set the derivative to zero: gives differential equation –Numerically solve the resulting differential eqn.
18 Solving the Differential Eqn M. v = 0 Repeat until – Update in a proper direction parallel to v=Kernel(M) – Update M Jaccobian of EM 1
19 Jaccobian of EM 1 So, we need to compute the covariance matrix of the events The entry in the row and column of the covariance matrix is See the paper for details Challenging for HMM Forward-Backward
20 Expected Quadratic Counts for HMM Dynamic programming algorithm to efficiently compute Pre-compute a table Z x for each sequence Having table Z x, the EQC can be computed efficiently –The time complexity is where K is the number of states in the HMM (see paper for more details) k1k1 k2k2 xixi x i+1 xjxj … …… ……
21 How to Choose based on Path monotone: the first point at which the monotonocity of changes MaxEnt: choose for which the model has maximum entropy on the unlab data minEig: when solving the diff eqn, consider the minimum singular value of the matrix M. Across rounds, choose for which the minimum singular value is the smallest
22 Motivation & Contributions Experiments Homotopy method More experiments Outline
23 Varying the Size of Unlab Data Size of the labeled data: 100 The three Homotopy-based methods outperform EM maxEnt outperforms minEig and monotone minEig and monotone have similar performances
24 Picked Values
25 EM gives higher weight to unlabeled data compared to Homotopy-based method Picked Values selected by −maxEnt are much smaller than those selected by minEig and monotone − minEig and monotone are close
26 Conclusion and Future Work Using EM can hurt performance in the case |L| << |U| Proposed a method to alleviate this problem for HMMs for seq. labeling tasks To speed up the method –Using sampling to find approximation to covariance matrix –Using faster methods in recovering the solution path, e.g. predictor-corrector
27 Questions?
28 Is Oracle outperformed by Homotopy? No! - The performance measure used in selecting in oracle method may be different from that used in comparing homotopy and oracle - The decoding alg used in oracle may be different from that used in comparing homotopy and oracle
29 Why not set ? This adhoc way of setting has two drawbacks: -It still may hurt the performance. The proper may be much smaller than that. - In some situations, the right choice of may be a big value. Setting is very conservative and dose not fully take advantage of the available unlabeled data.
30 Homotopy vs Baselines –Viterbi Decoding: most probable seq of states decoding –SMS Decoding: seq of most probable states decoding Our method (see the paper for more results) Higher is Better