E XPLORING M ARKOV D ECISION P ROCESS V IOLATIONS IN R EINFORCEMENT L EARNING Jordan Fryer – University of Portland Working with Peter Heeman 1
O UTLINE Background: Reinforcement Learning (RL) RL and symbolic reasoning to learn system dialogue policy Background: Markov Decision Processes (MDP) The Problem Attempting to find absolute convergence Simplification process Evaluation tools Discussion 2
B ACKGROUND : R EINFORCEMENT L EARNING Inputs States How the agent represents the environment at a certain time Actions How the agent interacts with the environment Cost Function A probabilistic mapping of a state-action pair to a value Most of the costs may be assigned at terminal state Simulated User So can system can try out different dialogue behaviors Outputs: Optimal Policy A mapping of a state to an action How it learns Iteratively: evaluate current policy and explore alternatives, and then update policy 3
B ACKGROUND : R EINFORCEMENT L EARNING Keep track of Q score for each state-action pair Cost to get to the end from state following that action For each dialogue simulation, take final cost and propagate it back over the state-action pairs in the run S1S2S3S4S5 Utt: 1 SQ: 10 Total: 14 a1a2a3a4 Q: 11Q: 12Q: 13Q: 14 4
B ACKGROUND : M ARKOV D ECISION PROCESSES RL guaranteed to converge for Markov Decision Processes Only use current state to decide what action to do next System + User + Environment must satisfy: Pr {s t+1 = s’ | s t,a t, s t-1,a t-1, …, s 0,a 0 } = Pr {s t+1 = s’ | s t,a t } Pr {r t+1 = r | s t,a t, s t-1,a t-1, …, s 0,a 0 } = Pr {r t+1 = r| s t,a t } How detailed should states be? Too detailed, becomes brute force and explodes state space Too vague, violates the MDP assumptions RL learns solution very fast due to “merging” of states 5
W HY RL FOR D IALOGUE ? There is a delayed cost to dialogue. The correctness of a dialogue is not really known until the end of the dialogue and the task has been performed Modeling after humans isn’t always correct Many things a computer can do that a human can’t and many things a human can do that a computer can not Hard to handcraft a policy 6
T HE P ROBLEM : F INDING A BSOLUTE C ONVERGENCE RL is guaranteed to converge for MDP in the limit How do we know if we have an MDP violation? How long do we have to wait for convergence? How do we measure convergence? We will use QLearning with ε-greedy (20%) 7
D OMAIN Ran on toy Car Domain (from CS550 course) Database of 2000 cars (differ in color, year, model …) User has one of the 2000 cars in mind System asks questions and reports list of cars that match the user’s car State: 11 Questions: Boolean (asked or not) carBucket: Number (bucketized number of cars) Done: Boolean (reported cars or not) Cost Function: 1 cost per utterance, 5 cost per extra reported car 8
F ULL V ERSION OF P ROBLEM Every 1000 epochs (100 dialogue runs) test the current policy Could not get it to converge 9
S IMPLIFIED VERSION OF PROBLEM Let’s simplify problem (common CS approach) Removed some attributes, reduced buckets from 4 to 2, force output and exit when only one car left Reduced number of state-action pairs Were able to use exact user distribution for testing Tool to examine the degree of convergence Compare results from multiple policies (existing tool) Keep track of the minimum testing score seen while training a policy Calculated the percentage of test sessions that are at the minimum testing score 10
S IMPLIFIED VERSION OF PROBLEM Bugs found: Would converge and then go out of convergence Alpha rounding errors Would find a minimum score within first 10 epochs that it could never find again States not seen yet in training, but seen in testing, must choose same action during the test session Got convergence Convergence achieved when all SA pairs explored 13
A BIT MORE COMPLEXITY Make domain more complex: Added back all attributes, 2 buckets, no exit constraint Absolute convergence before all SA pairs seen E # AVE MIN C % SA E # AVE MIN C % SA … … 14
Q TRAIN AND Q TEST Qtrain: The Q values of an SA pair, used by RL in training by following the policy and exploring Should converge to Q* (values for the optimal policy), but never know what Q* is Our group has also been using Qtest The Q values of an SA pair, determined through testing the optimal policy Qtest and Qtrain should converge to Q* and so should converge to same value 15
Q TRAIN AND Q TEST Helps to show absolute convergence 16
N OW THE F ULL V ERSION Moved up to 4 buckets, no absolute convergence Noticed difference in Qtest and Qtrain Can further analyze Qtest, Different states “merge” If MDP, path should not matter 17
MDP V IOLATION Why is there an MDP violation? CarBuckets: caused states to be treated as equal when clearly they are not. How to remove MDP violation? Keep a more accurate history Not always possible: State space explodes Just keeping track of the order in which questions are asked leads to ~40 million states Barto & Sutton admit that most problems are not perfect MDPs but that RL can deal with it 19
D ISCUSSION Does having a MDP violation hurt you? Despite non-convergence the 4 buckets did better than the 2 buckets vs RL can deal with some MDP violation Car gas mileage analogy 20
D ISCUSSION Does this mean we don’t care about MDP violation? Rueckert (REU last year) removed an MDP violation did not increase the state space dramatically improved the policy learned One should be aware of any MDP violations Our tool can find them (or some of them) Major MDP violations need to be fixed 21
A CKNOWLEDGEMENTS AND Q UESTIONS Thanks to: My fellow interns Pat Dickerson & Kim Basney Peter Heeman Rebecca Lunsford Andrew Rueckert Ethan Selfridge Everyone at OGI Questions? 22