GATEWAYS TO PATHWAYS Innovations in College-Level Math Bruce Vandal | Vice President, Complete College America Greg Budzban | Professor and Chair, Dept of Mathematics, Southern Illinois University Amy Getz | Strategic Implementation Lead, Higher Education, The Charles A. Dana Center, University of Texas Chris Herald | Professor, University of Nevada, Reno Rob Jeffs | Assoc. Professor, Mathematics, Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana
Math Pathways
Guided Pathways to Success Corequisite Remediation Math Pathways Link: & Into a System for Guiding Students into and through Programs of Study
The Last Course or The Path to Calculus 4 College Algebra is the last mathematics course many students take…. Data indicate that only one in ten College Algebra students go on to take a full-length calculus sequence. - Mathematical Association of America, 2002
College Algebra’s Only Purpose: Preparation for Calculus College Algebra Calculus
Articulated to Program of Study Requirements Transferable into Programs of Study at Receiving Institutions Designed to be delivered with a Corequisite for Underprepared Students A Key Component of Pre-Major Advising In Math Pathways, Differentiated Gateway Courses are:
Pre-Major Advising Humanities STEM Social Sciences College Algebra Stats Advise and Assess Choose Meta-major Gateway Math in 1 st year Choose Major QR Coreq Major Coreq Major A Model Pathway
IVY TECH COMMUNITY COLLEGE OF INDIANA = 80% Percent of Math Enrollments = 14% = 6%
Traditional NSHE Curriculum Math and Stat for Liberal Arts Pre-calculus I/ College Algebra Elementary Algebra Intermediate Algebra Liberal Arts, Journalism, Secondary Ed BA, Some Health Sciences STEM, Business, Nursing, Elementary Ed, Some Health Sciences Intermediate Algebra: Demands more algebra than necessary for success in Math and Stat for Liberal Arts Only 50% of students completing it succeeded in College Algebra = 80% = 20% Percent of UNR Math Enrollments
Curriculum with Co-requisite Model Courses Math and Stat for Liberal Arts + 1 credit co-requisite = 13%* Pre-calculus I/College Algebra + 2 credit co-requisite = 23%* Elementary Algebra = 37%* Intermediate Algebra is: Now tailored to prepare students for Pre-calc I. In Spring 2014, students Fall 2013 Intermediate Algebra had an 80% ABC (compared to 50% before change). Intermediate Algebra = 26%* Pre-Calc/College Algebra * Percent of All Students Assessed Below College Ready (16%*) (21%*)
Completion of gateway math by remedial 1 st -time degree seeking students at UNR Completed Gateway in 1 st year Completed Gateway by 2 nd year 2007 without Co-req Models (or Elementary Algebra) 39%58% 2012 Partial Co-req Implementation 60%73% 2013 Full Co-req Implementation 59% (No second year data is available yet.)
Early Warning Intervention Platform (EWIP) Week 3 25%* (Preparation) + 25%* (Motivation) + 50%* (Demonstration) RED:0% to 55% ORANGE:56% to 65% YELLOW:65% to 75% GREEN:76% to 100% Students also receive an intervention score in week 8 and week 12 that is simply their course grade at that time.
Markov Models – Fall 2013
Markov Models of SIU College Algebra Fall 2013 – Week 8 to Final grade
Coordinated Strategy for Effective Intervention Student Success Course College-level Retention Staff First-year advisors Housing staff
Markov Models of SIU College Algebra Fall 2014 Pilot 0.38→ → → →0.425 Increased the students in the top two categories from 70% to 85%. An increase of 21.5% in one semester!
“Regular”College Algebra (2 lectures-2 labs) “Enhanced” College Algebra (2 lectures -3 labs) Cont. Math with Int. Algebra “co- requisite” (2 lectures -3 labs) 1 lab for Cont. Math 2 labs for Int. Algebra co-requisite