Communication Contexts Interpersonal Intrapersonal Group Mass Organizational Health Public Relations Public
Communication Characteristics Process Source Transmission Source Receiver Message Encode Decode Channel Feedback Noise Environment Context FOE Ethics Competency
Ethics Principles of conduct that help govern behaviors of individuals and groups that often arise from a community’s perspective of good or bad behaviors (Martin & Nakayama) Decision of Points (Kreps) 1. Tell the truth. 2. Do no harm 3. Treat people
ORGANIZATION A living, open system connected by the flow of information between and among people who occupy various roles and positions. (Goldhaber) The planned coordination of the collective activities of two or more people who, functioning on a relatively continuous basis and through division of labor and a hierarchy of authority, seek to achieve a common goal or set of goals. (Robins )
Organizational Changes Organizational Structure Management Style Information Technology Competition Communication
Organizational Changes Organizational Structure –Hierarchal & Tall to PDM, Flat, & Matrix (Team) Hierarchy (Greek meaning sacred rule) system of ranking & organizing things & people, creating division of labor land centralized control
Organizational Changes Management Styles –Authoritative to Coaching or Empowered –Classical to Human Resources Information Technology –Limited, Static to Pervasive, Essential Competition –Local, National to Global Communication –Top Down to Multi-directional
Types of Organizations Profit vs. non profit Small business vs. corporate Commercial vs. education
Organizational vs. Group Complexity Structure/hierarchy Multiple voices Multiple goals Nature of relationships ([im] personal) Culture (history, tradition,& shared exp.)
Common Definitional Points OC occurs w/in a complex open system which is influenced by and influences its environments, both internal & external. OC involves messages & their flow, purpose, direction, and media. OC involves people & their attitudes, feelings, relationships, behaviors, & skills.
Organizational Communication The process of creating and exchanging messages within a network of interdependent relationships to cope with environmental uncertainty (Goldhaber)
Components Definition Process-ongoing (continuous) Message (consider) –Participants –Modality –Method of diffusion (channel) F2F, oral, written, technology –Purpose (function) Task Maintenance Human-relational Innovative-creativity
Modality-Nonverbal Nonverbal communication includes all aspects of communication other than spoken or written words themselves (expressed by other than linguistic means).
Nonverbal Communication Verbal+Vocal+Bodied=Total Message Words+Paralinguistic+Kinesics 7% +38% + 55%=100% (Mehrabian Equation)
Nonverbal Communication One cannot, not communicate. Nonverbal communication can be ambiguous. –Meanings vary over time. –Meanings vary according to context. –Meanings vary according to relationships. –Nonverbal communication is guided by rules particular to a culture.
Nonverbal Communication NV communication can interact with verbal com –Can repeat –May highlight –May complement –May contradict –Can substitute –Sometimes more believable
Nonverbal Communication Nonverbal communicative behavior can regulate interaction. Nonverbal communicative behavior can establish relationship level meanings. Nonverbal communication reflects culture values and is culture bound.
Categories of Nonverbal Com Kinesics-posture, gestures, facial expressions, eye contact (oculesics) Paralanguage-pitch, rate, volume, inflection, Haptics-touch (appropriate and inappropriate) Proxemics-space (personal and public) Environment-room shape, arrangement, access, lighting, noise, color, seating arrangement Presentation-physical appearance and clothing choice Artifacts-personal objects that reflect and announce identity; how we personalize our space
Network-creation & exchange of messages among individuals that takes place over set pathways –Roles –Formality –Direction (horizontal, upward, downward) –Serial process-efficiency Interdependence-interrelated parts Relationships-connected by people & comm. Environment-internal & external Uncertainty-equivocality/ambiguity-coping Definition Components
Organizational Communication The process of creating and exchanging messages within a network of interdependent relationships to cope with environmental uncertainty (Goldhaber)
WIIO’S LAWS OF COMMUNICATION Communication usually fails, except by chance. If a message can be understood in different ways, it will be understood in just that way which does the most harm. There is always somebody who knows better than you what you meant by your message. The more communication there is, the more difficult it is for communication succeed.
Reasons for Comm Failure Inadequate information Information overload Poor quality information Poor timing Lack of feedback or follow-up Problems with channel choice
Reasons for Comm Failure Incompetent communication Ineffective goal setting Communication anxiety Lack of retention Language barriers Noise Unethical communication