Enhanced Curtailment Calculator


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Presentation transcript:

Enhanced Curtailment Calculator Peak MAC Meeting June 4th WECC JGC Meeting June 5th Raj Hundal – WECC ECC AC Chair

Background The Enhanced Curtailment Calculator (ECC) is a congestion management tool that is being proposed to provide situational awareness as well as calculate and disseminate curtailment responsibility electronically. The tool would operate similar in function to webSAS(current congestion management tool), with several enhancements in calculation methodology. Additionally, the ECC would be more broadly applied to grid elements nominated by transmission providers or the reliability coordinator. The ECC will also provide curtailment responsibility for native/network or untagged flow impacts calculations which are not provided through webSAS. The ECC tool functionality could be further expanded to receive and provide information into an EIM in order to support market functions. 

Purpose of the WECC ECC Advisory Committee (ECC AC) The WECC ECC AC was established by the WECC OC and WECC MIC and reports to the WECC Joint Guidance Committee (JGC) The goal of the ECC AC was to provide clarity to the ECC project, its scope, potential member benefits, and development of tool specifications. The ECC AC would facilitate discussion, and coordinate with RC. The committee charter requires the ECC AC to: Provide recommendations to the RC and stakeholders, including review of project work products. Provide liaison functions between stakeholders and the RC. Provide subject matter expertise on issues related to congestion management. Provide support and work products as necessary for the ECC project. Provide updates to the stakeholders (Standing Committees, JGC, etc.,) as necessary and in concert with the RC. Inform the stakeholders of ECC process requirements.

WECC ECC AC Membership The ECC AC was composed of equal numbers of OC and MIC members, with the number of members determined by the JGC. The members of the ECC AC were appointed on an as-required basis by the OC and MIC. Current Members: Raj Hundal (Chair) – Powerex Carl Dobbs – WAPA Doug Reese – Tri-State Brenda Ambrosi – BC Hydro Past Members: David Lemmons – Xcel Energy Dave Lunceford - CAISO As a result of bifurcation the ECC project and WECC ECC AC have been on hiatus since 2013.

Peak MAC Committee Task Force and ECC Update Peak MAC established a Task Force to evaluate and recommend possible committee structures and guiding principles for development of new committees. Peak Task Force in the report to PEAK MAC stated: “Recommend to the Peak Board that Peak reform the WECC ECC AC as a Peak Task Force to aid in the implementation of the ECC.” Peak staff have started to work on the ECC Tool specifications and have provided drafts to the WECC ECC AC in the last 2 weeks. Peak staff have proposed a two phase approach, with Phase I of the ECC dealing with situational awareness, and have targeted completion of Phase 1 for Q4 2014/Q1 2015. Phase II will address the curtailment methodology and replacement of webSAS. Peak staff have indicated to WECC ECC AC their desire to discuss and finalize ECC specifications for Phase 1 by end of June 2014.

Next Steps - Peak ECC Task Force It is recommended that Peak MAC and Board establish a Task Force with similar scope and goals as the WECC ECC AC to advise Peak staff on the development of the new congestion management tool. Task Force should report to the Peak MAC and Board on a regular basis. Task Force should be comprised of volunteers with a broad range of subject matter expertise including members from WECC OC, MIC, interested stakeholders, regulators, NWPP MC Initiative, and CAISO-PAC EIM. Ideal composition would be 10 – 12 members. A chair needs to be selected for the Task Force immediately to initiate work on the committee charter and composition, as well as continue work on draft specifications in order to meet Peak staff timelines. The WECC ECC AC chair will recommend dissolution of the WECC ECC AC to the JGC, once Peak confirms creation of the new Peak ECC Task Force