Chapter 10 Wide Area Networks
Contents The need for Wide area networks (WANs) Point-to-point approaches Statistical multiplexing, TDM, FDM approaches Dial-up, T/ DS links X.25, Frame relay, ATM SONET DWDM WANs and TCP/ IP stack 2
Definition WANs are physical or logical networks that provide data communications to a large number of independent users. These users are usually spread over a larger geographic area than a LAN 3
The need for WANs LANs are very effective at connecting computers within offices Links are short, so dedicated link to each PC is not too expensive But many organizations have offices in many states and countries Web pages, servers are located world-wide As users spread over large distances, link costs become very high 4
The need for WANs (contd.) Broadcast lowers costs of LAN equipment But as number of users increases, CSMA slows down the network significantly As number of network users increases, need mechanisms to merge traffic from multiple users 5
Roads and computer networks There are many similarities between the challenges and design solutions used in road networks and computer networks Neighborhood networks are like LANs Interstate networks are like WANs 6
Local intersection as LAN node Stop sign promotes carrier sensing White car will wait till black car passes 7
Interstate exit as WAN node Merging lane: Entry ramp for local traffic Existing traffic does not stop for merging traffic Shared lanes Merging lane: Exit ramp for local traffic 8
Categories of WANs Point-to-point – Dial-up – T/ DS Statistical multiplexing – X.25, Frame relay, ATM TDM – SONET FDM/ WDM – Fiber optics MPLS 9
Point-to-point WANs Earliest WANs used dial-up networking – Use phone line to connect to a remote computer – Leverage existing communication network – End stations perform routing Phone lines Internet in
T/ DS carriers Phone companies realized business opportunity in providing data services Combined (multiplexed) data carrying capacity of multiple phone lines to provide high speeds Offered as T/ DS carriers – T = – DS = 11
WAN built using T-carriers
T/ DS carriers Formally, t-carriers are the physical line, DS is the signal carried by the line – Both terms used interchangeably in the industry Offer point-to-point connection like dial-up No. of phone lines aggregatedT-carrier nameDS nameData rate 1DS-064 kbps 24T-1DS mbps 96T-2DS mbps 672T-3DS mbps 13
Statistically multiplexed WANs Point-to-point is very inefficient when network grows – No switching within network – Inefficient use of bandwidth Statistical multiplexing allows WANs to aggregate traffic – Reduces “burstiness” 14
Reducing “burstiness” 15
Virtual circuits 16 ConnectionVirtual-circuit ID A-A1 B-B 1 2 B-B 2 3
X.25/ Frame relay/ ATM Shared network services offered by telcos – Multiple end users can share the same infrastructure – Aggregation similar to interstate system End users connect to shared network using point-to-point links such as T1/ T3 17
X.25/ Frame relay/ ATM When data packets enter shared network, carrier assigns label based upon destination Shared network uses labels to direct packets to correct destinations Each label is called a virtual channel – Data link layer technologies – Many virtual channels can be carried over a single physical link, limited only by link capacity 18
X.25/ Frame relay/ ATM X.25 – Standardized by CCITT in 1976 – Data rates: 56 kbps – 2 mbps Frame relay – Specified/ standardized in 1990 (Cisco)/ 1992 (CCITT) – Data rates: 56 kbps – 45 mbps ATM – Standardized: 1992 by CCITT – Data rates: mbps – mbps – Pricing: ~ $400/ mbps/port (domestic) – upto $4,000/ mbps/port (internationally) 19
TDM WANs Available line data rate divided into time slots – Physical layer technology Each virtual channel given one or more slots Commercially available as SONET services – Synchronous Optical NETwork – Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) in Europe – Offered as optical carrier (OC) services Pricing generally dependent on distance: ~ $15/ mbps/ mile 20
TDM WANs X.25/ Frame relay/ ATM often transported over SONET links SONET data rates first standardized in 1988 by CCITT SONET service namesData rateData + overhead OC mbps51.84 mbps OC mbps mbps OC mbps mbps OC ,376 gbps2.488,320 gbps OC ,504 gbps9.953,280 gbps OC ,016 gbps39.813,120 gbps 21
FDM WANs Optical fiber has very high bandwidth – Capable of supporting extremely large data rates – No single user needs such high bandwidths Available line bandwidth split into multiple lower bandwidth channels – Like lanes on interstate highways – Vehicles are not wide enough to use entire road width 22
FDM WANs DWDM channel frequencies standardized by ITU- T as ITU grid in 2001 – 3 bands: L band, C band, S band – 50 channels/ band = 150 channels total – Data rates up to 10 gbps possible per DWDM channel DWDM commonly used in network core – Considered below physical layer Each FDM channel on a DWDM link may transport a SONET signal, which in turn may transport multiple ATM channels 23
WANs and TCP/ IP stack Where are WAN technologies positioned on the TCP/ IP stack? Typically, multiple WANs traversed by packet from source to destination Routers interface between WANs – Hence WANs typically considered a data link layer technology 24
WANs and TCP/ IP stack Traceroute to Google 25
Summary WANs are long distance links that aggregate traffic from multiple networks WANs generally have very high data rates WAN types include point-to-point, statistically multiplexed, TDM and FDM Carriers define virtual circuits for each source- destination pair of nodes WANs operate at the data link layer
Case study – UAVs Remote wars were fought with soldiers Now, increasingly de[end upon satellite based WAN networks UAVs
Hands-on exercise OPNET – Download academic version of software Approx. 50 MB – Run scenario – Collect statistics
Network design exercise Choosing appropriate WAN technologies Adding routers to the network