IMOS Remote Sensing Cal/Val Twin goals: Local algorithm and product development Contribute to global databases and algorithms 3 main activities SST, Helen.


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Presentation transcript:

IMOS Remote Sensing Cal/Val Twin goals: Local algorithm and product development Contribute to global databases and algorithms 3 main activities SST, Helen (Presentation by Chris Griffin today) SSH, Christopher OC, Thomas

1.Facility runs only Southern Hemisphere cal/val for SSH 2.Direct feed back to global mission science team making ongoing contribution to the NASA/CNES/ NOAA/EUMETSAT “Jason-class” missions. Contribution at the mission science team level continues to be mutually beneficial. 3.Critical component of future mission design 4.Improves performance of previous missions via retrospective improvements to processing. 5.Jason-3 (was March 2015, but now slightly delayed) 6.Prepare for first of the Sentinel-3 missions: Plan submitted to the S-3 validation team. Expanded collaboration with French for S-3 7. Paper at Nature Climate Change revising global mean sea level change over satellite era – crux of which is improved cal/val PASS 088 Bass Strait Storm Bay Sea Surface Height – Satellite Altimetry

OC1 - Status Lucinda Jetty Coastal Observatory (LJCO) ( Operational data acquisition re-established Jan 2014 Continuous measurements + fortnightly water sampling Full in-water IOPs and above water AOPs Aeronet site Currently funded until June 2016 (by IMOS & CSIRO) Instrument refresh underway with YASI insurance reimbursement

SeaPRISM (7 wavelengths) Water-leaving radiance Aerosol optical thickness Aerosol absorption Aerosol size distribution Refractive index Single scattering albedo Phasefunction Water vapor Spectral flux Radiative forcing SeaPRISM (7 wavelengths) Water-leaving radiance Aerosol optical thickness Aerosol absorption Aerosol size distribution Refractive index Single scattering albedo Phasefunction Water vapor Spectral flux Radiative forcing Weather Station Temperature Pressure Humidity Dew point Wind speed etc Weather Station Temperature Pressure Humidity Dew point Wind speed etc Satlantic Spectral irradiance Satlantic Spectral irradiance Webcams Sky and Sea Webcams Sky and Sea (A) (B) (C) (D) Overview above-water measurements

WetStar fluorometer CDOM absorption Chlorophyll-a Uranine Phycoeryhrin WetStar fluorometer CDOM absorption Chlorophyll-a Uranine Phycoeryhrin WQM Temperature Salinity Depth Dissolved oxygen Turbidity Back scattering Chlorophyll fluorescence WQM Temperature Salinity Depth Dissolved oxygen Turbidity Back scattering Chlorophyll fluorescence ACs (80 wavelengths) Total absorption Total attenuation ACs (80 wavelengths) Total absorption Total attenuation ACs switching unit (filtered/unfiltered) ACs switching unit (filtered/unfiltered) BB9 (9 wavelengths) Back-scattering BB9 (9 wavelengths) Back-scattering DAPCS Network enabled real-time data logger DAPCS Network enabled real-time data logger Automatic winch controller keeps cage at a constant depth Overview in-water optical measurements Fortnightly servicing and water sampling

OC2 - Continuous above water radiometry (DALEC) RV Investigator ( prev. Sthn. Surveyor) + RV Solander Permanent installation scheduled for early x Zeiss MMS1 UV-VIS NIR 10 nm spectral resolution 16 bit ADC NIST traceable calibration nm Manufacturer: In-situ Marine Optics, Australia

OC3 – Aust. bio-optical data base + satellite products Continued acquisition of bio-optical data from the Australian research community into the IMOS bio-optical data base and data provision to NASA (SeaBASS) and ESA (Mermaid) as well as ESA’s Ocean Colour Climate Change Initiative (OC-CCI). Data updates to SeaBASS (Jan-June 2014) Locally (NCI) processed whole-of- mission data archives for SeaWIFS, MODIS (with TERN) and VIIRS for use in matchup analysis. Aust. MERIS archive also available. Matchup paper for Global Chl-a alg submitted. NCI Long Term Store Level-0, 35+TB Short Term Store, DB <0.5TB WA DAR VICTAS QLD AlsSp AARNET NASA Archive US East Coast Internet National Standard Production Facitility (IMOS, Auscover) Experimental/ Development Local Projects Remote User/Project NCI Direct Broadcast Historical Archive

Sentinel-3 Ocean Colour Cal/Val support Joint S3 Cal/Val proposal (CUT, CDU and CSIRO) accepted by ESA/EUMETSAT to support Ocean Colour product validation in the Australian region. S3 now to be launched 2 nd half of ESA/EUMETSAT acknowledge AERONET-OC as main validation data source for S Horizon as external funding source to support IMOS infra-structure very unlikely. Survey outcome on funding priorities (that went to industry) revealed: Priority for in-situ observations is low and for cal/val very low!