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You can follow up your orders in production process, by clicking “Orders In Process Report”. If you wish you can reach the details of your orders, by clicking on the chart or figure.
If you wish, you can see your order details, download to Excel or Powerpoint and work on your orders or printout.
You can follow up your orders in stock by clicking to the “Orders in Warehouse” Report. If you wish, you can save as PDF and printout.
You can follow up your shipped orders week by week, by clicking to “Shipped Orders” Report. If you click on the chart or figure, you can reach the details.
Aluminium Teknik You can see the summary of your shipped orders. If you want to see the details you can click on the details. So you can reach all the details of your shipped orders.
If you wish, you can also download your shipped order details to Excel or Powerpoint.
You can follow up your fixed LME prices from day to day, and compare them with the official LME prices using “LME Graph” report. If you want to reach the details you can click on the figure.
Aluminium Teknik You can follow up your fixed LME prices by your OC Numbers.
You can follow up the status of your orders according to your OC Number by using “Order Quary by OC Nr.” Report. Please click to the buton and enter your OC Nr. as defined below and see your status of your orders at that moment. If you wish save it as PDF or download it to Excel. 2912
You can reach the reports of the products that you purchased. If you want to reach the details, please click on the figures.
If you want to have more datails please click on the summary and select the details.
You can follow up your outstanding bills by using “Outstanding Bills” Report. If you wish you can download as PDF, or print out. Customer A.Ş.
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