BUDGET PROCESS Stephanie Curry / Donna Berry
THANK YOU! For your participation in the Budget Process Pilot.
Budget Journey Current Budget Process for RC and MC/OC reviewed, as well as best practices of other Community Colleges. Focus was to create a budget process that integrated several planning processes including, Program Review/SLO’s, Strategic Planning and College Goals. New Budget Process designed by Budget Committee (committee made up of members of all constituency groups). Budget Development Planning Calendar (Aligns RC budget process with District Budget Process) Pilot of the budget process with budget worksheet training Survey for feedback Budget Committee assessed pilot budget and made adjustments to process and form. New Budget Process reviewed by Academic Senate, Classified Senate, Department Chairs, and College Council
What we learned from the Pilot We don’t need individual programs to designate alternate funding sources Important to rank all needs Importance of adding descriptions and justifications. Need more time to review and dialogue about requests. Training on new process is strongly recommended
TRAININGS FLEX Day Budget Worksheet/Process Trainings Available (check your schedule for locations) 10:15 am 2:45 pm Melanie Highfill will also be scheduling trainings the first few weeks of the semester.