Consumers, Health And Food Executive Agency Better Training for Safer Food Initiative Terespol, 1-3 July 2014 Simon Rowell Composite Products Import Requirements This action/ training/ seminar is carried out by JVL Consulting under the contract no with the Consumers, Health and Food Executive Agency (former Executive Agency for Health and Consumers).
Consumers, Health And Food Executive Agency Import Conditions - General principles Processed POAO content: Must meet the EU animal and public health requirements that apply to processed POAOs and Finished composite product: Must meet EU animal and public health requirements
Consumers, Health And Food Executive Agency Processed POAO content: Animal Health requirements Processed animal product content must come from an approved third country (Council Directive 2002/99/EC) – Dairy product content must have undergone the relevant treatment (e.g. pasteurisation, sterilisation) for country of origin of the dairy product. (Regulation (EU) No 605/2010) – Meat product content must have undergone required treatment for country of origin of the meat product. (Commission Decision 2007/777/EC)
Consumers, Health And Food Executive Agency Commission Decision 2007/777 /EC - Meat products 3rd country & treatment list
Consumers, Health And Food Executive Agency Processed POAO content: Public Health requirements The processed animal product content of a composite product: 1. Must come from an approved third country (Reg. (EC) No 852/2004) 2. Must come from an approved establishment (Reg. (EC) No 853/2004) 3. Must come from a country with an approved residue control plan for the product concerned (Dir.96/23/EC). (List is in Decision 2011/163/EU as amended)
Consumers, Health And Food Executive Agency The Finished composite product Must meet EU general food hygiene provisions (same as for any food) The composite product can be made in a registered establishment – i.e. it does not have to be made in an EU-approved establishment The composite product does not need to be marked with an ID mark
Consumers, Health And Food Executive Agency Harmonised composite products as listed in Regulation (EU) No 28/2012 (a)composite products containing processed meat products, as referred to in Article 4(a) of Decision 2007/275/EC; (b)composite products containing processed milk products and covered by Article 4(b) and (c) of Decision 2007/275/EC; (c) composite products containing half or more of their substance of processed fishery or egg products and covered by Article 4(b) of Decision 2007/275/EC. Third country where the final composite product was made must be on the relevant third country list(s) for the POAO content(s) that has to be certified (art. 3.1)
Consumers, Health And Food Executive Agency Must have the health certificate laid down in Regulation (EU) No 28/2012 (article 3.2) Harmonised composite products as listed in Regulation (EU) No 28/2012 Must meet the requirements of the health certificate (article 3.2) The certificate covers the animal and public health requirements for relevant meat product, dairy, fish, egg content components which have to be certified
Consumers, Health And Food Executive Agency Requirements laid down in certificate Meat product content + Dairy product content Must come from: - Same country as the composite product, or - EU, or - Another third country with similar high health status
Consumers, Health And Food Executive Agency Similar high health status means: Meat product content: Meat products can only go from one Treatment A country to another Treatment A country (treatment applicable to the species concerned) [ref: Commission Decision 2007/777/EC] Dairy product content: Dairy products can only move from one Column A country to another Column A country or one Column B country to another Column B country Dairy products cannot move from a Column C country to other countries [ref: Regulation (EU) No 605/2010]
Consumers, Health And Food Executive Agency Place of origin of the composite product must be in the same country where the composite product was produced. (Note to box I.10) Country where composite product was produced must be on the relevant third country list for the POAO content(s) which has to be certified (Note to box I.7 reflecting article 3.1) Requirements laid down in certificate
Consumers, Health And Food Executive Agency What POAO content has to be certified? Any meat product content Dairy content where: Dairy product content is 50%+ Not shelf stable – Any % Fishery product content if 50%+ Egg product content if 50%+ (‘Cooked’ = heat-treated sufficiently to denature any raw animal product)
Consumers, Health And Food Executive Agency I am aware of Regulations (EC) No 178/2002, (EC) No 852/2004and (EC) No 853/2004 …… and that the composite products were produced in accordance with the above legislation Health certificate - Compliance with food hygiene package
Consumers, Health And Food Executive Agency Meat products certification Products meet animal health requirements of CD 2007/777/EC Country of origin Establishment of origin Various BSE attestations
Consumers, Health And Food Executive Agency Dairy products certification Country of origin Establishment of origin Animals under control of veterinary services and from inspected holdings not under restrictions Milk from cows, ewes, goats buffaloes – pasteurised, sterilised, UHT etc Milk from other animals – sterilised or UHT only
Consumers, Health And Food Executive Agency Egg products certification Approved country HPAI and ND free or heat treated Note: In the case of composite products where only the fishery and/or egg sections have to be certified, the certificate can be signed by an official inspector rather than an official veterinarian Fishery products certification Approved country Approved establishment
Consumers, Health And Food Executive Agency Example certificate for composite product from Vietnam containing processed fishery product and no other animal product
Consumers, Health And Food Executive Agency AH conditions = EU (or national rules if no EU rules) PH conditions = EU general food hygiene rules + any specific national rules. Transitional measures until 31/12/2016 (Reg (EU) No 1079/2013) Non-harmonised composite products Regulation (EU) No 28/2012 article 3.3 e.g. containing honey / gelatine / snails etc.
Consumers, Health And Food Executive Agency Be Logical! 1 st : Is it a composite product? Only then decide: 2 nd : Is it subject to vet checks? Only then decide : 3 rd : What are the import conditions?
Consumers, Health And Food Executive Agency Thanks for listening!
Consumers, Health And Food Executive Agency Better Training for Safer Food BTSF JVL Consulting s.a. Rue Jean Matagne 15 B-5020 Vedrin Belgium AESA Consortium This action/ training/ seminar is carried out by JVL Consulting under the contract no with the Consumers, Health and Food Executive Agency (former Executive Agency for Health and Consumers). European Commission Consumers, Health and Food Executive Agency DRB A3/042 L-2920 Luxembourg