Present Continuous
Affirmative am is are + ___________-ing … Sujeto +
Negative am is are + not + _______-ing … Sujeto +
Interrogative Am Is Are + sujeto + ____-ing …? (WH) +
Short answers Yes, + sujeto + am. is. are.
Short answers No, + sujeto + ‘m not. isn’t. aren’t.
SPELLING General Rule: Read – Reading Exceptions: Rob - Robbing Write - Writing
Utilizamos el present continuous para describir acciones que están sucediendo mientras hablamos EXAMPLES We are watching TV now. She isn’t listening to music at this moment. Are you reading a book right now? Yes, we are.
Utilizamos el present continuous para describir acciones temporales. EXAMPLE She usually comes by bus, but she is coming by train this week.
The end