Mediterranean World
Indo Europeans 2 theories Anatolian brought farming independent farming techniques Megaliths First about 4,000BCE Throughout Europe Large stones in circles or lined up in rows Astronomical associations
Hittites BCE Western Asia Iron Users
Phoenicians 120 mi. along Palestine Great traders Carthage Alphabet
Hebrews Monotheistic- Judaism Nomadic people Migrated from Mesopotamia to Palestine
Hebrews Saul first King ( BCE) David ( BCR)- settled people to farming Solomon ( BCE)- temple of Jerusalem/ expanded political military After Solomon divided 2 kingdoms- Kingdom of Israel/ Judah Israel over run by Assyrians Judah conquered- Assyrians, Chaldeans, Persians, Macedonians, Rome
Assyrians On the upper Tigris river Used Hittite iron weapons Empire established about 700BCE Areas revolted and fell in 605BCE Ruled by kings Efficient administration and communication Well organized army
Assyrians Unified language Religion Few significant cities Trade secondary Culture Hybridized Relief sculptures
Persia Nebuchadnezzar II ( BCE) Empire based in Babylonia Fell to Persians unified by Cyrus the Great ( BCE) Satrapy- province, Satrap governor Collect tribute Justice and security Fill military levies
Persian Government 20 satraps from Egypt to India Satrapy- province, Satrap governor Collect tribute Justice and security Fill military levies Well maintained roads King considered divine All subjects kings servants Capital Susa
Persian Religion Zoroastrianism Zoraster born 660BCE prophet revealed true religion Zend Aveste Monotheistic Ahuramazda vs. evil spirit Ahriman