Ezekiel and Daniel ILLC 8 th Grade Sunday School
2 Ezekiel and Daniel Main points of this lesson Ezekiel and Daniel prophesied from Babylon during the time of captivity. Ezekiel and Daniel prophesied from Babylon during the time of captivity. God remembered the captive people of Israel and through Ezekiel encouraged them with the promises of salvation and the restoration of their homeland. God remembered the captive people of Israel and through Ezekiel encouraged them with the promises of salvation and the restoration of their homeland. Recognize parallels between the life of Daniel and the life of a believer. Recognize parallels between the life of Daniel and the life of a believer.
3 Ezekiel and Daniel Vocabulary Captivity – State or circumstance of being a prisoner. To lack freedom. Captivity – State or circumstance of being a prisoner. To lack freedom. Restoration – To bring back to a former state or original condition Restoration – To bring back to a former state or original condition
4 Ezekiel and Daniel Who wrote the book of Ezekiel? Ezekiel Ezekiel Often used phrases “I looked” “I looked” “the Word of the Lord came unto me” “the Word of the Lord came unto me” Ezekiel was a member of the priestly family of Buzi and contemporary of Jeremiah and Daniel The book is written from a priestly point of view. Ezekiel means “strengthened of God”
5 Ezekiel and Daniel When was Ezekiel written? Between 593 and 570 BC Between 593 and 570 BC He was taken captive in 597 BC by Nebuchadnezzar He was taken captive in 597 BC by Nebuchadnezzar In 605 BC Daniel was taken captive In 597 BC Ezekiel was taken captive In 586 BC Jeremiah was left in the land but Zedekiah (the king) was taken captive.
6 Ezekiel and Daniel To Whom was Ezekiel written? To the exiles in Babylon who were discouraged and under false hope of an early return to their homeland (12:25) To the exiles in Babylon who were discouraged and under false hope of an early return to their homeland (12:25) Where were the captives located? Ezekiel was taken to a community near Nippur called TellAbib on the river Chebar about fifty miles south of Babylon on the Euphrates River (1:1) Today called Iraq. Ezekiel was taken to a community near Nippur called TellAbib on the river Chebar about fifty miles south of Babylon on the Euphrates River (1:1) Today called Iraq.
7 Ezekiel and Daniel Why was Ezekiel written? Historical purpose Historical purpose To comfort and encourage God’s people of His plan for the restoration of Israel but to prevent any false hope of an early return from captivity.To comfort and encourage God’s people of His plan for the restoration of Israel but to prevent any false hope of an early return from captivity.
8 Ezekiel and Daniel Doctrinal Purpose Stress God’s faithfulness to His promises (20:44) Stress God’s faithfulness to His promises (20:44) Stress God’s judgment for sin (11:12) Stress God’s judgment for sin (11:12) Stress God’s righteousness Stress God’s righteousness Stress the glory of God (1:28, 10:4) Stress the glory of God (1:28, 10:4)
9 Ezekiel and Daniel Christological Purpose Christ, the glory of God (10:18,19) Christ, the glory of God (10:18,19) Christ the Redeemer (16:60) Christ the Redeemer (16:60) Christ the Shepherd of the flock (34:23) Christ the Shepherd of the flock (34:23) Christ the Cleanser of the temple (36:24) Christ the Cleanser of the temple (36:24) Christ the Regenerator of Israel (36:25,26) Christ the Regenerator of Israel (36:25,26)
10 Ezekiel and Daniel Ezekiel can be divided into three parts I. God’s denunciation of Judah (1-24) The ordination of the prophet (1-3) The ordination of the prophet (1-3) The proclamation of the prophet (4-24) The proclamation of the prophet (4-24) II. God’s visitation on the nations (25-32) III. God’s restoration of Israel (33-48) A new life will be bestowed on Israel (33-39) A new life will be bestowed on Israel (33-39) A new order will be established in Israel (40- 48) A new order will be established in Israel (40- 48)
11 Ezekiel and Daniel Who wrote the book of Daniel? Daniel (Matthew 24:15) Daniel (Matthew 24:15) When was Daniel written? He was a contemporary of Jeremiah and Ezekiel. He was a contemporary of Jeremiah and Ezekiel. Therefore BC Therefore BC He was taken captive during the reign of Jehoiakim (605 BC) He was taken captive during the reign of Jehoiakim (605 BC)
12 Ezekiel and Daniel To Whom was Daniel written? No specific Jewish audience but to all of us in general. No specific Jewish audience but to all of us in general. Some of his prophecy has remained closed. Some of his prophecy has remained closed. The book recalls many of the visions that God allowed him to interpret. The book recalls many of the visions that God allowed him to interpret.
13 Ezekiel and Daniel Where was Daniel located? In the Babylonian capital. In the Babylonian capital. He was very influential in the kingdoms of Nebuchadnezzar (1:1), Belshazzar (5:1), Darius (5:31) and Cyrus (10:1) He was very influential in the kingdoms of Nebuchadnezzar (1:1), Belshazzar (5:1), Darius (5:31) and Cyrus (10:1)
14 Ezekiel and Daniel Why was Daniel written? Historical Purpose To comfort the children of Israel that their nation would be restored. To comfort the children of Israel that their nation would be restored. To strengthen them against temptations and the commands to worship false gods. To strengthen them against temptations and the commands to worship false gods. To continue in faith in the midst of temptations and trials. To continue in faith in the midst of temptations and trials.
15 Ezekiel and Daniel The Doctrinal Purpose Condemns the powers of this world Condemns the powers of this world Prophesy of God’s kingdom and it’s everlasting nature Prophesy of God’s kingdom and it’s everlasting nature God is sovereign over the kingdoms of this world. God is sovereign over the kingdoms of this world.
16 Ezekiel and Daniel The Christological Purpose Christ the anointed one (9:26) Christ the anointed one (9:26) Christ, a great stone (2:34, 45) Christ, a great stone (2:34, 45) Christ the son of man (7:13) Christ the son of man (7:13) Christ the Ancient of Days (7:22) Christ the Ancient of Days (7:22)
17 Ezekiel and Daniel The book of Daniel can be divided into two parts. I. The historical narration (1-6) The selection of Daniel (1) The selection of Daniel (1) The secrets of God (2) The secrets of God (2) The steadfastness of God’s servants (3) The steadfastness of God’s servants (3) The sovereignty of God (4) The sovereignty of God (4) Sin and the fall of Babylon (5) Sin and the fall of Babylon (5) Supplication and Deliverance (6) Supplication and Deliverance (6)
18 Ezekiel and Daniel II. Prophetical revelations (7-12) The symbols significance (7) The symbols significance (7) Sacrilege in the sanctuary (8) Sacrilege in the sanctuary (8) Seventy sevens (9) Seventy sevens (9) Strength from the Savior (10) Strength from the Savior (10) Anti-Christ (11) Anti-Christ (11) The salvation of the saints (12) The salvation of the saints (12)
19 Ezekiel and Daniel Special Events in the Book of Daniel Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego in the kings school – Daniel 1 Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego in the kings school – Daniel 1 Interpreter of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream – Daniel 2:2 Interpreter of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream – Daniel 2:2 The fiery furnace –Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego The fiery furnace –Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego Nebuchadnezzar humbled – Daniel 4 Nebuchadnezzar humbled – Daniel 4 The overthrow of Babylon – Daniel 5 The overthrow of Babylon – Daniel 5 Daniel in the lion’s den – Daniel 6 Daniel in the lion’s den – Daniel 6
20 Ezekiel and Daniel What similarities might the life of Daniel have to the life of a believer today? Must live among unbelievers. Must live among unbelievers. Peer pressure to conform to the ways of unbelief. Peer pressure to conform to the ways of unbelief. Must choose who to serve, the gods of this world and life or the one and only living God. Must choose who to serve, the gods of this world and life or the one and only living God.