Method of Supply Analysis Overview & Action Plan Fire Equipment, Supplies, and Services Acquisition (FESSA) Analysis Team USDA Forest Service Acquisition Management Updated as of 7/21/2005
Fire Equipment, Supplies and Services Acquisition (FESSA) Analysis2 FESSA Topics NAPA Report Overview Summary of NAPA’s Recommendations Congressional Direction Forest Service Action Plan Overview Forest Service Action Plan Milestones Communication Forest Service Focus Areas Current Status Next Steps
Fire Equipment, Supplies and Services Acquisition (FESSA) Analysis3 NAPA Report Overview Study entitled Containing Wildland Fire Costs: Improving Equipment and Services Acquisition Published in September, 2003 NAPA estimates that land management agencies could save 10+% on fire-related acquisitions over a five-year period Report describes study methodology, success stories, findings, and recommendations.
Fire Equipment, Supplies and Services Acquisition (FESSA) Analysis4 NAPA’s Recommendations Findings Other agencies have used method of supply analysis to save money. The wildland fire agencies lack a strategy for analyzing method of supply. A permanent staff is required to conduct this effort. Recommendations – Analyze the following opportunities: An interagency approach to wildland fire-related services, such as fuels reduction and rehabilitation and restoration activities National contracts, such as the national mobile food service contracts Cache system Ordering supplies from GSA BPA’s Acquiring new technologies, such as GIS Fire facilities construction centralization Incident car rentals Non-fire incident support
Fire Equipment, Supplies and Services Acquisition (FESSA) Analysis5 Congressional Direction The Committee notes that findings from a report by the National Academy of Public Administration state that the Forest Service and the Department of the Interior could substantially reduce wildfire suppression costs by employing “method of supply” analysis processes to their procurement activities. The report cites examples where other Federal agencies have reduced procurement costs, identifies numerous activities within the wildland fire fighting organization where savings could be achieved, and notes the Forest Service culture and decentralized procurement organization as being barriers to achieving such savings. The Committee expects the Agency to apply method of supply analysis to its wildfire suppression procurement activities. To support this effort, [application of method of supply] the Committee directs the agency to increase its procurement capacity by staffing no less than five additional and dedicated procurement officials to this effort with the goal of reducing wildfire preparedness and suppression procurement costs by at least 10 percent over the next 2 years. Recognizing that most cost savings will occur in the suppression category, the Agency should fund this investment in increased capacity from wildfire suppression funds. The Agency is expected to keep the Committee informed of its progress in implementing this direction. Language from FY 2005 Appropriation, P.L
Fire Equipment, Supplies and Services Acquisition (FESSA) Analysis6 FS Action Plan Overview Start-Up & Planning Develop As-Is Design To-Be Validate As-Is & Prepare Business Cases Implement To-Be Complete Forest Service FESAA core team & ID SMEs Access electronic data sources Review prior studies and current initiatives Develop Planning materials Begin interagency coordination Secure consultant support Wide review of As-Is documents Develop business cases for change Develop project plans for To-Be analyses Provide report on potential of all NAPA demos Identify interagency leading practices High SME involvement in designing solutions Leverage consultant expertise in private sector practices Build on past recommendations and efforts Obtain approvals from interagency staffs and governing bodies Form implementation teams Develop project plans and milestones for rollout = Management Commitment Points Three focus areas: National contracts Regional / GACC contracts, incl. EERAs Fire caches Describe fire acquisition roles & processes Begin to utilize SME network
Fire Equipment, Supplies and Services Acquisition (FESSA) Analysis7 FS Action Plan Milestones Task Estimated Completion by Develop Planning MaterialsAug, 2005 Identify SMEsAug, 2005 & Ongoing Hire All Team MembersSept, 2005* Describe As-Is Processes and MethodsNov, 2005 Validate As-Is and Prepare for To-BeJan, 2005 Develop Project PlansFeb, 2006 Design To-Be Processes and MethodsOngoing, with first project by May, 2006 Implement ResultsOngoing, as To-Be projects are completed Communications & CoordinationOngoing * Filling both vacancies is critical to meeting future deadlines.
Fire Equipment, Supplies and Services Acquisition (FESSA) Analysis8 Communication – A Key to Success Formal correspondence: AQM / FAM letter announcing FESSA effort Quarterly updates (Congress, other interested parties) Controlled correspondence transmitting key deliverables Data calls? Informal correspondence: updates and requests for information Circulation of draft deliverables Team room (created) K:/ drive space for FESSA documents (created) Web site? Interagency communications: Monthly meetings Utilize DOI SME network Share draft deliverables Coordinate actions / next steps
Fire Equipment, Supplies and Services Acquisition (FESSA) Analysis9 Focus Area Overview National Contracts ex: Airtankers, showers, food service, helicopters, retardants Regional & GACC contracts, including EERAs ex: Rental vehicles, equipment (dozers, tenders, engines), communications (cell, internet, fax), helicopters Fire Cache 11 locations (9 FS, 2 BLM) ex: PPE, tents, tools, radios, batteries, etc. Incident Support National Contracts Regional Contracts EERAs GACC Contracts Cache GSA Schedule Items
Fire Equipment, Supplies and Services Acquisition (FESSA) Analysis10 Current Status Hired one FESSA team member (Mgmt Analyst – June, 2005) Vacancy announcement for 2 Procurement Analysts will be published on USAJOBS in the next few weeks Collected documentation of past reviews Internal (FS, interagency) NWCG / WFLC Reports GAO Audits OIG Audits / Reviews Held initial meeting with DOI-OWFC to discuss coordination of the FESSA effort Set-up and obtained access to incident business mgmt databases (I-Suite, EERA, ROSS) Identifying and meeting with SMEs Identifying parallel efforts that may impact or overlap with FESSA analysis
Fire Equipment, Supplies and Services Acquisition (FESSA) Analysis11 Next Steps Complete FESSA Analysis core team Complete project planning documents: Charter Program Management Methodology Timeline and Milestones Initial correspondence to FAM / AQM Continue to identify and interview SMEs, including those involved in similar efforts Identify and obtain training on databases Begin to develop the As-Is organization
Fire Equipment, Supplies and Services Acquisition (FESSA) Analysis12 Points of Contact Forest Service Ron Wester, AQM, (703) Sarah Clore, AQM, (703) Department of the Interior Barb Loving, OWFC, (202)