China before Confucius zThe “Yellow Emperor” zXia and Shang Dynasties y2070 B.C B.C. zZhou Dynasty y1046 B.C B.C. z“Spring and Autumn” period y770 B.C B.C.
Confucius zBorn in 551 B.C. zdied in 479 B.C.
Confucianism zConcerned primarily with restoring social stability and order yWhat is the basis of a stable, unified, and enduring social order? za system of social and ethical philosophy y“only when character is cultivated are our families regulated; only when families are regulated are states well governed.”
Confucianism zli yrituals, norms, institutions, or mores ythe outer, conforming aspect of Confucianism zren yhumaneness, love, kindness, benevolence, or virtue ythe inner, reforming aspect of Confucianism
Li zRites, ceremonies, proper behavior, and good manner zperformed in good faith, with everyone keeping to his or her proper role zuniversal harmony zno need for physical sanctions, laws, or punishment
Ren zRelationship between "two persons” zextension of filial piety to all human beings zeach role in the hierarchy of social relations had clearly defined duties yreciprocity or mutual responsibility
Five relationships zfather-child zruler-subject zhusband-wife zelder brother-younger brother zfriend-friend
Confucianism zPersecuted in Qin Dynasty y221 B.C B.C. zpromoted by later rulers
Confucianism zreinforced by the civil examination system y“keju”: civil examination yfrom 605 to 1905
In today’s China